you gui wan 右歸丸 By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文 Name of Formula: you gui wan (Jing Yue Quan Shu) Symptoms: impotence, thin and cool semen, dizziness and ringing in the ears, pale complexion, weak knees and lower back, dislike of cold temperature, cold limbs, swollen tongue with teeth marks, thin and deep pulse. Ingredients: shu di 240 g, shan yao 120 g, shan yu rou 90 g, qi zi 120 g, tu si zi 120 g, lu jiao jiao 120 g, dang gui 90 g, du zhong 120 g, fu zi 90 , rou gui 90 g. Make into pills. Dosage: 15 g, twice a day. Take with slightly salted drinking water. This herb is available over the counter in most Chinese food markets or herb stores, in ready made in pill form. Source of formula: Jing Yue Quan Shu 方名: 右歸丸 《 景岳全書 》 主治:陽痿,精薄冷清,頭 晕耳鸣,臉色蒼白,腰膝酸軟,畏寒,肢冷, 舌胖潤或有齒痕,脉沉微遲。 驗尿:24小時17-酮類固醇低下。 藥方组成: 熟地黄 240 g, 山藥 120 g, 山茱萸 90 g, 枸杞 120 g, 菟絲子 120 g, 鹿角 膠 120 g, 當歸 90 g, 杜仲 120 g, 附子 90 , 肉桂 90 g 各藥磨细末。煉蜜為丸。每次服15克。每日二次。淡鹽湯送服。 Diagnostic program available through mail order: A detailed instructional and practical application program for health care professional. (also useful for medical students of traditional Chinese medicine as well as Western medical students) This program helps to point out when to avoid using Viagra and what herbal formulae are available. Cost: US$99 + shipping and handling US$5 Student discount 40%. You can order this program by emailing the author, Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 Last update: July 21, 2009;11:38 p.m. LAH |