Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis |
Biological name: 拉丁學名: | Scrophularia mingpeonsis Hemsl. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音: | genjin |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音: | hyonsam |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粤語發音: | yuen sam |
Common Name: 英文名: | ningpo figwort root, scrophularia |
Other Names: 別名: | yuan shen, hei shen, hei xuan shen 元参,黑参,黑玄参。 |
Distribution: 分佈: | Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan 浙江,湖北,江蘇,江西,四川。 |
Properties (characteristics): 性味﹕ | salty, sweet, bitter, cold 味﹕鹹﹐ 甜﹐苦。性﹕寒 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | kidney, lung stomach 腎﹐肺﹐胃 |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | cooling blood, promote yin, rid of toxin and heat,and soothing the throat. 清 熱 解 毒 , 滋 陰 除 煩 , 利 咽 喉 。 |
Medical Function: 藥理﹕ | Medical Function: Effect on heart and blood vessels: lower blood pressure due to vasso-dilation, especially in renal hypertension. Anti bacterial effect: Effect on concentration of blood sugar Anti inflammatory effect Sedative effect Anti-pyretic
藥理﹕ 擴 張 血 管 抗菌 降 低 血 醣 抗炎 解 熱 鎮靜
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份: | harpagoside, harpagide, aucubin, 6-methylcatapol, ningpogoside A, B, mingpogenin scropoliside A, angoroside, trace amount of evaporing oil, glucose, oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, carotene and saponins. |
Dosage per day: 每日用量﹕ | 9 to 30 g 9 ~ 30 克 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例: | (1). For infection with high fever, red tongue, & thirst: xuan shen, sheng di huang, mai dong, jin yin hua, lian qiao and huang liang. Boil with water to make tea. (2). For habitual constipation: xuan shen 15 g, dang gui 14 g, tian hua fen 15 g,
lai fu zi 30 g. Make into powder. Take 6 g each time, 3 times a day. 10 days is one treatment. Result: among 96 patients, using 1 to 3 treatments, 86 were healed; 7 were effective and 3 were not effective. (3). For cold with sore throat 感冒喉痛 感染而有高熱,舌紅,口渴:玄参,生地黄, 麥東 , 金銀 花, 連翹,黄 連。.水 煎服。 長期便秘:玄参15 g, 當歸 14 g, 天花粉 15 g,
萊菔子30 g。共為末。每次服6 g。每天3次。十日為一療程。 療效:96病例。用1~3療程。86痊愈。7例 有效。3例無效。 按此看感 冒喉痛處方。
Modern Research: 现代研究: | to be uploaded |
Cautions: 禁忌: | not to use in cases of spleen or stomach dampness without heat (huo) , or diarrhea due to pixu. Some sources mentioned that xuan shen is incompatible with huang qi, gan jiang, da zao, li lu, ku shen and shan zhu yu. li lu, ku shen and xuan shen may trigger irregular heart rate. The combinations of the herb may intensify the effect. 脾虛泄瀉者或寒濕而無火者忌用。 藜蘆,苦參及 玄參三者均易引致心律失常,血壓下降等反應,配伍應用可 能增強毒性作 用。 |