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xin yi 辛 夷

xin yi hua 辛夷花


Edited by: Joe Hing kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:


flos Magnoliae

Botanical name:


  1. Magnolia kobus, D.C.

  2. Magnolia liliflora Desr. 紫玉蘭

  3. Magnolia biondii Pamp. 望春玉蘭

  4. Magnolia sprengeri Pamp 武當玉蘭

  5. Magnolia denudata Desr. 白玉蘭

  6. Magnolia fargesii

Pron. in Japanese:


shini (xin yi)

Pron. in Korean:


sinihwa (xin yi hua)

Pron. in Cantonese


san1 ji4 faa1

Other Names:


xin yi hua 辛夷花  , mu bi hua 木筆花  , chun hua春花

Common Name:


blond magnolia flower



Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi provinces of China.




warm, acrid, slightly bitter.


Channels  meridians) entered:



spleen, lung, stomach.

入脾  ,  肺  , 胃经。

Medical functions:



  1. lowers blood pressure

  2. stimulates uterus

  3. inhibits fungi

  4. the essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory effect


  1. 降血壓

  2. 興奮子宮

  3. 抑制真菌

  4. 辛夷揮 發油具有抗炎作用: 能降低炎症組 織 血管的通透性,抑制非特異 炎性腫脹 ,缓解福氏佐劑性 關 節 炎 ,對 慢性炎症增生也有抑制作用。 [1]

Actions & Indications:


headache, chronic infection of sinus, stuffy nose, tooth ache.


Chemical ingredients:


cineol, alpha-pinene, chavicol mehtyl, citral, salicifoline; inoresinol dimethyl ether, lirioresinol dimethyl ehter, magnolin, fargesin (Magnolia Biondii only); eugenol, safrole, anefthole, cinnamic aldehyde, capric acid, oleic acid, rutin, flavonoid glycosides (Magnolia lilifora only).



For decoction: 3 to 9 gram. It is also made into pills or into powder form.

External use: powder for or water extract or distilled, for nose drop.

内服:煎湯,3 ~9 克 ;或入丸、散。外用:研末塞鼻或水浸蒸餾滴鼻。

Samples of formulae:


jiu nao tang 救腦湯

Modern Research:


the essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory effect: it can lower the the permeability of blood vessels, inhibit immunoglobulin E induced swelling, lessens Freud's adjuvant induced arthritis, also can inhibit chronic inflammation hyperplasia .

辛夷揮 發油具有抗炎作用: 能降低炎症組織血管的通透性,抑制非特異 炎性腫脹,缓解福氏佐劑性 關節炎,對慢性炎症增生也有抑制作用。 [1]

Toxicity & Cautions:


Not to use in cases of yinxu with fire 



Freund's adjuvant: Adjuvant is substance consisting of killed microorganisms, such as mycobacteria, in an oil and water emulsion that is administered to induce and enhance the formation of antibodies. There are a variety of adjuvants are available for use in research animals, Freund's adjuvant is the most commonly used.

佐 劑:佐劑是特異 性免疫试劑。 佐劑是指與抗原混合注入機體後,能增加抗原的免疫性或者能改变免疫反應類型的一種物质。最常用的佐劑是福氏佐劑. (Freund’adjuvant),具有明顯的免疫剌激作用。


中國的木蘭種類 Magnolias of China   [2]
長蕊木蘭属 Alcimandra Dandy
1. 長蕊木蘭 Alcimandra cathcartii (Hook. f. et Thoms.) Dandy
鹅掌楸属 Liriodendron L.
2. 鹅掌楸 Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg.
3. 雜交鹅掌楸 Liriodendron chinense×L. tulipifera
4. 北美鹅掌楸 Liriodendron tulipifera L.
木蘭属 Magnolia L.
5. 絹 毛木蘭 Magnolia albosericea Chun et C. Tsoong
6. 天目木蘭 Magnolia amoena Cheng
7. 霸王木蘭 Magnolia bawangensis Law et Zhou ined.
8. 望春玉蘭 Magnolia biondii Pamp.
9. 滇藏木蘭 Magnolia campbellii Hook. f. et Thoms.
10. 香港木蘭 Magnolia championii Benth.
11. 夜香木蘭 Magnolia coco(Lour.) DC.
12. 美麗紫玉蘭 Magnolia concinna Law et Zhou ined.
13. 黄山木蘭 Magnolia cylindrica Wils.
14. 光葉木蘭 Magnolia dawsoniana Rehd. et Wils.
15. 山玉蘭 Magnolia delavayi Franch.
16. 玉蘭 Magnolia denudata Desr.
17. 椭蕾玉蘭 Magnolia elliptigemmata C. L. Guo et L. L. Huang
18. 椭圆葉玉蘭 Magnolia elliptilimba Law et Z. Y. Gao
19. 華中木蘭 Magnolia glabrata Law et Zhou ined.
20. 多瓣木蘭 Magnolia glabrata Law et Zhou var. multitepala Law et Zeng ined.
21. 毛葉玉蘭 Magnolia globosa Hook. f. et Thoms.
22. 荷花玉蘭 Magnolia grandiflora L.
23. 窄葉荷花玉蘭 Magnolia grandiflora L. var. lanceolata Aiton
24. 廣南木蘭 Magnolia guangnanica Law et S. C. Yang ined.


[1] 山西醫藥雜誌; 王文魁 沈映君 齊雲

[2] 中國木蘭 ISBN:7-5304-2765-2/s.168




    1,陳奇.中藥藥理試驗方法學 .北京:人民衛生出版社,1994.72
  2,徐叔雲 ,卞如廉,陈修.藥理試驗方法學 .第2版,北京:人民衛生出版社,1994.719、722
  3,李儀奎.中藥藥理試驗方法學 .上海:上海科技出版社,1991.305


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