Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
| xiao qing long tang 小青 龍湯 Translated and explained by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 按此看中文。 Name of formula: xiao qiang long tang (source: Shang Han Lun)
Usage: cold or influenza, cough, bronchitis, asthma, edema, whooping cough, excessive phlegm and saliva, tears.
Prescription: xi xin 1 qian, gan jiang 1.5 qian, wu wei zi 1 qian, ban xia 3 qian, ma huang 1.5 qian, bai shao 3 qian, gan cao 1.5 qian.
Adjustment: If the throat is inflamed and painful, add jie geng. If asthma is serious add larger dosage of xing ren, su zi. If phlegm or mucus is heavy add yuan zhi, fu ling. If chest is heavy due to cough and asthma, add hou po, chen pi to improve qi. Note: In this formula, 1 qian = 3.75 grams (old measurement)
Warning: xi xin belongs to the Aristolochia family. This herb is very toxic to the kidneys.
Note: this is one of the ten famous herbal formulas
小青龍湯《傷寒論 》主治:外 感風寒、痰飲內停、感冒、咳嗽、支氣管炎、 氣喘、浮腫、百日咳、涎沫、流淚。 細辛一 錢、乾 薑錢 半、五 味子一 錢、半 夏三 錢、麻 黃錢半、芍 藥三 錢、 甘草錢 半。 本方常用 於旺盛血行、去鬱血、減少粘膜炎症分泌 、肺寒之喘咳、痰多者有效。本方有鎮咳定喘、強心利尿作用,對慢性支氣管氣喘特別有效。 加减: 咽痛者:加桔 梗。 咳喘較重者:加杏 仁,蘇子增強止咳平喘之力。
哮喘病人白血球細胞中cAMP/ cGMP比值低於正常,如用小青龍湯加大 棗服後cAMP/ cGMP比值會上升,引起支氣管擴張而起平喘作 用。
大 青 龍 湯 治 表 有 寒 , 裏 有 熱 症 。 小 青 龍 湯 主 治 表 裏 俱 寒 之 症 。
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