Boils and Carbuncles wu wei xiao du yin 五 味消毒飲 (in English and Chinese 中英文)Translated and edited by: Joe Hing kwok Chu
Name of Formula: wu wei xiao du yin 《source:Yi Zong Jin Jian 》 Functions: rid of infection and swelling. Application: being used in boils, carbuncles, red, swelling and/or hot locally, acute infection of urinary tract, gall bladder inflammation, pneumonia, epidemic encephalitis B, with syndromes of red tongue, rapid pulse. Composition: jin yin hua 9 g, ye ju hua 3.6 g, zi hua di ding 3.6 g, zi bei tian kui 3.6 g, pu gong ying 3.6 g Adjustment: If infection is serious: add huang lian, lian qiao If there is xue re (heat in blood): add chi shao, dan pi, sheng di huang Add about one cup of water (about 250 c.c.) and simmer down to 80 percent of a cup and add half cup of good yellow rice wine and boil a few turnover to make decoction. Use as while warm. Cover with blanket to induce sweating.
功能:有清熱,解毒,消腫之功。 主治:用於各種疔毒,癰瘡癤腫,症見局部紅 腫,或 發熱,急性泌尿系感染,膽囊炎,肺炎,流行性乙型腦炎,傳染病具有熱毒証候者。症見舌紅,脈數者。 組成: 水一盅,煎八分,加無灰酒半盅,再滾二, 三沸時,熱服,被蓋出汗為度. 加减: 水煎加酒服。
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Last update: Sept 10, 2013; 4 p.m. LAH