Vestibular Neuronitis: vertigo After Influenza 感冒痊癒後眩晕 Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國编译。按此看中文
Vestibular neuronitis: This is a type of vertigo usually happens after influenza infections because the vestibular neurons have been attacked by the virus. The vertigo can happen within one or two days with symptoms gradually becoming more serious, continuing for a week or so and then gradually subsiding. In older patients it may linger for a few months or over a year and still may not recover without treatment. This type of vertigo does not appear very frequently. Prescription: cang zhu , bai zhu, fu ling , bai shao, fang ji, fa ban xia , shen qu, 10 g each, fang feng, hou pu , chen pi 6 g each, sha ren 3 g (put in during the last stage of boiling) Make into decoction. Use while warm.
Note: sha ren contains evaporating oil. Overheating or over boiling may lose its effective ingredients and become ineffective.
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感冒痊癒後,但逐漸出現頭 暈目眩,視物旋轉,且日見加重,時作時止。眩暈發 作時,頭 項不能轉側,行走有輕飄飄感,需靜臥於床,稍活動即眩暈加甚,肢體困重,口粘膩,食慾不振,舌苔白厚膩,脈濡緩。
處 方 : 蒼 朮﹐白 朮 ﹐茯 苓﹐ 白 芍 ﹐防 己﹐法 半 夏﹐神 麴﹐各10 克﹐ 防風 ﹐厚 樸﹐ 陳皮﹐ 各 6 克﹐砂 仁 3 克(後 下)。
编者註:砂 仁 有效成份是它所含有的揮發油。不可久煎,以免揮 發掉而失效。
Last update: Oct 7, 2010; 11:59 p.m. LAH