Vagina Yeast and Bacterial Infections, Acupuncture Therapy By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Body acupuncture Mainly select the points on ren mai, dai mai and Spleen channel foot taiyin. Prescription: dai mai, bai huai shu (B 30), qi hai (Ren 6), san yin jiao (Sp 6). Damp heat: use xie method; do not use moxibustion. Cold and damp: use ping bu (mild tonic), ping xie (mild purging), and use more moxibustion. If damp heat is high: add xing jian (Liv 2), yin ling quan (Sp 9). If cold damp is high: add guan yuan (Ren 4), zu san li (S 36). 
Ear acupuncture prescription: zi gong, luan chao, nei fen mi, pang guang, shen. Each time select 3 to 5 points leaving needles for 15 to 20 minutes. 
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