Urinary Tract Infection (in English and Chinese 中英文)
All of the following formulae have been used successfully in urinary tract infections. Select one of the formulae.
Click on the herb to read the detailed descriptions.
Formula 1 bai hua she she cao 10 g, jin yin hua 10 g, shi wei 15 g, ye ju hua 6 g
Boil with one and a half liters of water. Make into three servings. Take one serving in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one serving in the evening..
Source: Wang Zheng Kun, Drug Inspection Office, Yu Xi City, Yunnan Province, China
Formula 2 Boil with one liter of water. Make into two servings. Take one serving in the morning and one serving in the evening.
Source: Liang Guang Yu, Medical Element Research Dept, Shanghai Colored Metal Research Office, Shanghai, China
Formula 3 jjiang huang 10 g, Grind the three items into powder. Mix well. Each time use 3~6 g. Boil with water. Make into two servings. Take one serving in the morning and one serving in the evening.
Source: He Ba Yi Er, Mongolian Medicine Research Center, Alasan Association, Inner Mongolia, China.
Formula 4 For acute urinary tract infection see: When yeast infection is serious, it can also spread to the urinary tract.
For your convenience, here is another link with UTI information: General information on urinary tract infection
In Chinese:
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Last update: April 29, 2011, 8:50 p.m. LAH