| tou gu cao 透骨草, feng xian hua 鳳仙花 ji xing zi 急性子 by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名 : | Herba Speranskia tuberculatae, (zhen zhu tou gu ca; di gou cai) Herba Impatiens balsamina (feng xian hua) | Biological name: 拉丁学名 : | Speranskia tuberculata (Bunge) Baill (地構菜﹐珍珠透骨草) or Impatiens balsamina L (鳳 仙花) | Pron. in Cantonese: 粤語發音 : | tau3 gwat1 cou2, (Speranskia tuberculata (Bunge) Baill) fung6 sin1 faa1 (Impatiens balsamina L.) | Other Names:別名﹕ | tau3 gwat1 cou2, feng xian hua, zhi jia hua, xiao tao hong, ran zhi jia cao, han zhen zhu. jia zhu tao (not to confused with Nerium incidum, Mill. or Nerium odorum, Solaud). 透骨草﹐鳳仙花﹐指甲花﹐小桃紅﹐染指甲草﹐旱珍珠, 夾竹桃 (不是指 Nerium incidum, Mill. 或 Nerium odorum, Solaud).。 | Common Name: 常用英文名﹕ | tuberculate speranskia balsamina, touch me not (feng xian hua) | Distribution: | | Properties (characteristics): 性味: | feng xian hua: bitter, slightly sweet, slightly acrid, neutal, slightly toxic di gou cai (zhen zhu tou gu cao): acrid, warm 鳳仙花﹕味苦﹐辛,性平;有小毒。 地構菜(珍珠透骨草)﹕ 味辛,性温。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, spleen, kidney 肝﹐脾﹐腎 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | di gou cai (zhen zhu tou gu cao): rids of pain and dampness as in rheumatoid arthritis,; invigorate blood, being used in rheumatoid arthritis, spastic muscles, eczema in the groin area, swollen boils feng xian hua (feng xian tou gu cao): rids of pain and dampness as in rheumatoid arthritis, rid of toxin, being used in injuries, bruises, swelling, promoting menses, helping deliveries, expelling phlegm, tumors, snake and insect bites.
地構菜(珍珠透骨草: 有散風祛 濕 ,活血止痛的功能。用於風濕疼痛﹐筋骨拘攣﹐陰囊 濕疹﹐疮瘍腫毒。 鳳仙花(鳳仙透骨草:)有祛風濕,活 血止痛,解毒的功能。用于風濕疼痛﹐跌打損傷瘀 積腫痛﹐解 毒﹐通經﹐催生﹐袪痰﹐痈 疽腫痛﹐蛇虫咬傷。
| Medical function: 藥理作用 ﹕ | Medical function: zhi xing zi (seed of feng xian hua): the decoction or the alcohol extract has the stimulation effect on the uterus of rabbits and guinea pigs. The water decoction has inhibiting effect on various bacterium: staphylococcus aureaus, hemolytic streptococci, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhi. feng xian hua: the juice of fresh flowers possesses the inhibition effect on fungi of the skin. The whole plant possesses the effect of anti-fungal and stopping bleeding. 藥理作用﹕ 鳳仙花的種 子(急性子):急 性子煎劑﹐酊劑﹐水浸劑對兔﹐豚鼠離體子宮均有明顯的興奮作用,對麻醉兔在位子宮亦有明顯興奮作用。本 品水煎劑對金黃色葡萄球菌﹐溶血性鏈球菌﹐綠膿桿菌﹐福氏痢疾桿菌﹐宋內氏痢疾桿菌﹐傷寒桿菌均有不同程度的抑制作用。 鳳仙花﹕ 鳳仙花的鮮花汁 ,對紅色表皮癬菌﹐堇色髮癬菌及腹股溝表皮癬菌﹐考夫曼高爾夫表皮癬菌均有抑制作用。地 上全草部分﹕有抗真菌﹐止血作用。 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例 ﹕ | Hair loss caused by excessive sebu:m. Select one of these formula: Formula 1: Boil 60 g of tou gu cao (double the amount if it is fresh herb) with 2,000 cc of water for 20 minutes. Strain. Wash hair and scalp. Shampoo can be used but wash with tou gu cao extract again after shampooing. Formula 2: cang er zi, wang bu liu xing, ku shen, ming fan, bing pian. Boil with water. Wash hair and scalp.
Impotence and premature ejaculation with shenyangxu: ji xing zi 15 g (make into fine powder), e pian 3 g, chan su 3 g, she xiang 0.3 g, some dried white stems portion of green onion, mix well and grind into fine powder. Store in sealed bottle. Use 3 g each time, mix with white rice wine and make into paste. Apply every night before bed, on shen que, qu gu (Rn2), and glan. [A] 脂溢 性脫髮。可選於下任一方﹕ 腎陽虛 陽萎早 泄﹕ 鳳仙 花子(急 性子) 15 克為 細末 ﹐阿片﹐蟾酥各3克﹐麝香0.3克﹐蔥白適 量(研細﹐低溫烘乾)。將各藥調均﹐共 研細。密封。每用3克。用白酒調成糊狀﹐每晚於睡前塗於神闕﹐曲骨﹐龜頭上。 | Chemical ingredients: 化學成份 ﹕ | 化學成份﹕Chemical ingredients: 鳳仙花茎含 (the stem of feng xian hua plant contains)﹕ 山柰酚-3-葡萄糖甙(Kaempferol-3-monoglucosides)﹐ 槲皮素(Quercetin)﹐ 天竺葵素(Pelargonidin)﹐ 矢車菊素(Cyanidin)﹐ 翠雀花素(Delphinidin)。 全草含 (whole plant contians)﹕ 對羥基苯甲酸 (D-hydroxy pheny acid)﹐ 龍胆酸(Gentisic acid)﹐ 阿魏酸(Ferulic acid)﹐ 對香豆酸(P-Coumaric acid)﹐ 芥子酸(Sinapic acid)﹐ 咖啡酸(Caffeic acid)﹐ 東莨菪素(Scopoletin)。
| Dosage: 用量: | zhen zhu tou gu cao: 6 to 15 g. feng xian cao: - seeds (ji xing zi):6 to 9g,
- dried flowers:1.5 to 3 g, fresh flowers: 3 to 9 g,
- external use: according to need
- whole plants: dried material 10 to 15 g, fresh material 30 to 60 g,
- root: 9 to 15 g
珍珠透骨草用 量6~15g 鳳仙草 - 種子(急性子): 用量6~9克 。
- 花: 花1.5~3克(鮮 品3~9克);
- 外用: 適量,鮮花搗爛塗 敷患處。
- 全草: 全株10~15克(鮮 品30~60克)
- 根: 根9~15克
| Cautions: 禁忌: | not to use during pregnancy. 孕婦忌服。 | [a] 1991年徐業君在浙江中醫雜誌報導[b] 1993年李玉霞等 [A] Editor note: this formula seem to be more suitable for premature ejaculation. Do not use more than necessary. Sponsors' Ads by Google 以 下為谷歌所提供之廣告 Last update: Jan 20, 2012; 9:43 p.m. LAH tou_gu_cao.htm feng_xian_hua.htm |