Thrombocytosis (Excess Platelets)
by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按 此 看 中 文
Thrombocytosis is a condition in which the body produces excess number of platelets. The complications of thrombocytosis may include strokes, heart attacks , bleeding or blood clots.
Thrombocytosis is classified into:
(1) Primary thrombocytosis also called essential thrombocythemia, is a single disease entity, which is not caused by other health problems.
(2) Secondary thrombocytosis can be caused by other health problems, such as: chronic inflammation, severe bleeding, iron deficiency, stress, surgery, medication, osteoporosis, splenectomy, anemia, polycythemia vera (splenomegalic polycythemia, Vaquez-Osler syndrome, erythremia), and cancer.
Some patients may die as a result of blood clots or uncontrolled bleeding but many patients with thrombocytosis remain symptom free for long periods of time.
Chinese Herb Therapy
Formula 1
Name of formula: shui zhi tang
Usage: high pressure of the portal vein; increase of platelet counts after splenectomy.
shui zhi 18 g (smashed), meng chong 9 g, di bie chong 9 g,
tao ren 9 g, dan pi 9 g, chi shao yao 15 g, large sheng di 15 g,
sheng pu huang 15 g (wrapped), sheng wu ling zhi 15 g.
Boil with water. Use as tea.
Among eighteen patients, ten of them showed that the platelet count started to go down after 2 dosages, and three of them showed that the platelet count started to go down after 3 dosages.
Source of formula: Qin Liang Fu, Ren Ji Hospital, of 2nd Medical School of Shanghai, China.
See next page: Complementary Therapy of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.
Also see Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
水 蛭 湯
功 能 ﹕
破 血 , 涼 血 。 主 治 門 靜 脈 高 壓 , 脾 臟 切 除 後 血 小 板 增 多 。
處 方 ﹕
水蛭 18 克 ( 打 ), 虻 蟲 9 克 ,地 蟞 蟲 9克 ,桃 仁 9克 ,丹 皮 9克 ,赤 芍 15克 ,大 生 地 15克 ,生蒲 黃 15克 (包 ), 生 五 靈 脂 15克 。 水 煎 服 。
療 效 ﹕18 例 , 血 小 板 增 多 迅 速 呈 明 顯 減 慢 。
有 10 例 服 藥 2 劑 後 開 始 下 降 。 有 5 例 服 3 劑 後 下 降 。
處 方 來 源 ﹕ 上 海 第 二 醫 科 大 學 , 附 屬 仁 濟
醫 院 , 秦 亮 甫 。
按 此 看 中 西 結 合 治 療 法