| tao hong si wu tang 桃紅四物湯 Name of Formula: tao hong si wu tang (Yi Zong Jin Jian) (in English and Chinese 中英文) Application: xue yu (blood stasis) / blood deficient syndrome: insomnia with palpitation, dizziness, pale complexion, irregular menses, (lack of flow or amenorrhea), fullness and achy loin and abdomen, pale tongue, tight thin pulse. Present day application includes pulmonary heart disease. Composition: tao ren 10 g,hong hua 6 g, dan shen 12 g,dang gui 12 g,chi shao 12 g,chuan xiong 7 g.Make into decoction and use as tea. Adjustment: Constipation: add xing ren, da ma ren ; Thick mucus with difficulty to expel: add ye ju hua, jin yin hua ﹐yu xing cao,ge gen Asthma, edema: add che qian cao ﹐chen xiang﹐chen pi﹐sha shen ﹐huang qi . 桃紅四物湯 (醫宗金鑑) 主治:血虛血 淤證:心悸失眠,頭暈目眩,面色無華,婦人月經不調,量少 或經閉不行,腰腹脹痛,舌淡,脈細弦或細澀, 近代亦用來治療慢性肺原性心脏病。 组成:桃 仁10克,紅 花 6克,丹 參 12克, 當歸12克 ,赤芍12克 ,川 芎 7克 。 加減: 便秘加杏仁 ﹐大 麻仁 ; 痰浓不易咳出加野菊 花 ﹐金銀花 ﹐魚腥草﹐葛 根 ; 气喘﹐水腫加車前 草 ﹐沉 香﹐陳 皮﹐沙 參 ﹐黃 耆 。 每日1剂,水煎,分2次服。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以 下為谷歌所提供之廣告 Last update: Jan 24, 2012; 5:42 p.m. LAH |