Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國編譯
Location: t
Application: Headache, dizziness, sore throat, tooth pain, deafness, tinnitus, asthma, chest pain, hemoptysis, diabetes, irregular menstruation, insomnia, forgetfulness, spermatorrhea, impotence, frequent urination, lumbar pain, cold lower limbs (
【主治】頭痛目眩,咽喉腫痛,齒痛,耳聾,耳鳴,氣喘,胸痛咯血,消渴,月經不調,失眠,健忘,遺精,陽痿,小便頻數,腰脊痛,下肢 厥冷,內踝腫痛。 【操作】直刺0.5~1寸。艾炷灸3~5壯,艾條溫灸10~15分鐘。 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告