Complementary and Alternative Healing University
suan zao ren tang 酸棗仁湯 (in English and Chinese 中英文) 按此看中文Name Formula: Suan Zao Ren Tang (Jin Gui Yao Lue) Function: Calming, promoting blood , getting rid of heat and anxiety. Syndrome: weak and anxious, insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, red tongue, stringy pulse or thin and rapid pulse, neurasthenia with above yinxu (yin deficient) symptoms. Prescription: suan zao ren 21 pieces (stir fry and smash), fu ling 8 g, zhi mu 8 g, chuan xiong 8 g, gan cao 4 g Use 800 c.c. of water. Boil suan zao ren first. Simmer till 600 c.c. is left. Add the rest of the herbs and simmer till 300 c.c. Make into 3 servings. Serve while warm. Note: suan zao ren tang can significantly decrease the level epinephrine
功用﹕養 血安神﹐ 清熱除煩。 主治﹕虛 煩不得安 眠。 症狀﹕失 眠心悸﹐ 虛煩不安﹐頭暈目眩﹐咽喉乾﹐口燥﹐ 舌紅﹐脈弦或細數。 情緒不穩而有以上陰 虛症狀者。 處方﹕ 酸棗仁 21粒 (炒﹐打碎) ﹐ 茯苓 8克﹐知 母 8 克﹐川 芎 8 克﹐甘 草4克 。 以上五味﹐以水二碗﹐先煎棗仁。煎至一碗半。再加其餘 各藥。再煎至八分。分作三次。溫服。
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