si wu tang 四 物 湯 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Name of Formula: si wu tang (source: Tai Ping Hui Ming He Ju Fang) Usage: For irregular menses, pale complexion, dizziness, small amount blood in menses or amenorrhea, pain during periods, fetus overactive, excessive bleeding during menopause, clot blood not clearing after giving birth. This formula can be use by male and female with blood deficiency and/or blood stasis conditions.. Prescription﹕ dang gui 10 g, shu di huang 15 g, bai shao 12 g, chuan xiong 6 g. Boil with water and use as tea. Adjustment to Formula: If blood deficient with qi deficient: add dang shen, huang qi, gan cao, shan yao
Note: ba zhen tang is si wu tang plus
A study on si wu tang: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070821143607.htm
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