Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
si ni tang 四逆湯 Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Name of Formula: si ni tang 按此看中文 Application: cardiac exhaustion. It can improve the contraction of the heart muscles and improve the peripheral circulation. It did not show any obvious side effect when used with proper diagnosis. Composition: gan jiang 12 g, zhi gan cao 7.5 g, fu zi 12 to 19 g. Soak fu zi in water until thoroughly wet then add gan jiang and zhi gan cao and simmer another half hour. Drink while warm. Note: fu zi is cardiac stimulant. Boiling it for long time will reduce its toxicity but also will lessen its effectiveness. Caution: Use care in case of pregnancy. 【方名】 四逆湯
清穀及霍亂吐瀉,或大汗出,心臟猝衰者。 用附子以回陽逐寒, 鼓舞身體陽氣,增強機體生命活動力。 四逆湯可增加心收縮力及心率,並擴張週邊血管,如對癥用藥無明顯副作用。 先將附子浸透,加其餘藥物,煎30分鐘。溫服。 註:附子有强心作用。久煎可降低其毒性,但是也降低其藥力。本方合 注意: 孕婦慎用。 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告