| si gua luo 絲瓜絡 (in English and Chinese 中英文) by: Joe Hing kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | fasciculus Vascularis Lufae | Botanical name: 學名﹕ | Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | sikaraku | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | sagwalak | Pron. in Cantonese:: 粵音﹕ | si1 gwaa1 lok3 | Other Names: 別名﹕ | si gua jun 絲瓜筋,si gua bu 絲瓜布,cai gua bu 菜瓜布, ti si gua 天絲瓜,tian luo 天羅,bu gua 布瓜,man che 蠻撤。 | Common Name: 英文名﹕ | Sponge of Luffa | Distribution: 產地﹕ | all China especially in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. 全國各地均有栽培, 尤其在浙江與江蘇。 | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | sweet, cool. Seeds: bitter, slightly sweet, neutral. 甘,涼。 絲瓜子: 苦,微甘,平。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | lung, liver, stomach. 歸肺,肝,胃經。 | Medical functions:[1] 藥理﹕[1] | Its chemical ingredient oleanolic folic acid can heal the acute liver injury of rats induced by carbon tetrachloride. It can reduce the degeneration of the liver granulovacuolar degeneration, cytoplasnic relaxation, hepatocellular necrosis and lobular degeneration reaction. Other effect:: oleanolic folic acid possesses diuretic effect and cardiac stimulating effect and it can inhibit the growth of the S-180 tumor cells. 1.對肝臟作用:所含齊墩果時酸對大鼠肝臟由四氯化碳引起的急性損傷有治療作用,能減輕肝細胞漿空心變性、疏鬆變性、肝細胞壞死及小葉變性反應。 2.其它作用:齊墩果葉酸有強心利尿作用以及抑制S一180瘤株的生長。 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | clear channel and promote circulation, rid of pain. Being used in spastic muscles, bulging rib cage with pain, swollen breast or milk not flowing. 通絡,活血,祛風。用於痹痛拘攣,胸 脅脹痛,乳房脹痛或乳汁不通。 | Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | 木聚糖(xylan) ,甘露聚糖(mannan) ,半乳聚糖(galactan),脂 肪 (fat),蛋白質 (protein), 糖 (sugar),維生素 B1, B2, C (vitamin B1, B2, C),鈣, (calcium) 磷 (phospherous),鐵 (iron),胡蘿蔔素 (caratene)等。 The whole plant of si gua of Guangdong province possesses the effect of insecticide. The fruit contains hydrocyanic acid which is very toxic to fishes. 粵絲瓜(廣東絲瓜)全植物有殺昆蟲作用,果實含氫氰酸,對魚毒性很大。廣東絲瓜又稱十稔絲瓜及澎湖絲瓜。 | Dosage: 用量﹕ | Taking orally: 4.5 g ~9 g. in decoction or bake and grind into powder. Externally application: bake, grind and make into paste and apply to affected areas. Seeds: for taking orally, 3 ~ 6 g, make into decoction or stir fried till brown and make into powder. For external use: make into powder and mix with liquid to make into paste and apply to affected areas. 絲瓜絡: 4.5克~9克,煎 湯内服或焼灰存性。 外用:煅存性研末調敷。 絲瓜子:內服:煎湯,3~6 克;或炒焦研末。 外用:研末調敷。 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | milk producing formulae 下乳藥方 | Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | antitussive and expectorant effect but not as strong as the vine of the same plant 鎮咳與却痰作用不及絲瓜藤之力量强。. . | Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | |
]1] Zhong Hua Ben Cao 中華本草 si gua hua (the flower): sweet, cold. Being used in heat in lungs type of cough, sore throat, sinus inflammation, boils and hemorrhoids. si gua gen (the roots): anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Make into decoction and wash the affected areas. It can help with debridement and promote new growth of tissues. si gua teng (the vines): helps arrest pain in muscle, expel phlegm and arrest cough. si gua ye (the leaves): bitter, sour, slightly cold. being used for expelling phlegm, arresting cough. Being used externally for arresting bleeding. Fresh leaves are being used in skin fungal infection. si gu zi (the seeds): bitter, slightly sweet, neutral. Being used in treating edema in limbs and face, stones in urinary tract, pain in abdomen, hemorrhoids and fistulae, bleeding in vagina not during menses, promoting mother's milk, promoting bowel movements. Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 絲瓜花: 甘,寒。清熱解毒,用於肺熱咳嗽,咽痛,鼻炎,疔瘡,痔瘡等。 絲瓜根: 消炎防腐。煎水外洗患處,可祛腐生肌。 絲瓜藤: 通筋活絡,祛痰鎮咳。 絲瓜葉: 苦,酸,微寒。清熱解毒,化痰止咳,外用止血。鮮絲瓜葉可擦治頑癬。 絲瓜子: 苦,微甘,平。利水,除熱。 治肢面浮腫,石淋,腸風,痔瘘,崩漏,下乳,通大便。 絲瓜絡: 甘,平。清熱解毒,活血通絡,利尿消腫。常用於氣血阻滯胸肋疼痛。筋骨酸痛,乳癰腫痛等。 The following to be translated. 以下將於近期翻譯之。 【附方】 1, 痘瘡不快。用老絲瓜近蒂三寸,連皮燒存性,研為末,砂糖水送服。 2, 癰疽不斂,瘡口很深。有絲瓜搗汁頻頻塗搽。 3, 風熱肋腫。用絲瓜燒存性,研為末,水調塗搽。 4, 坐板瘡。用線瓜皮焙乾,研為末,燒酒調勻塗搽。 5, 手足凍瘡。用老絲瓜燒存性,調臘豬油塗搽。 6, 痔漏脫肛。用絲瓜燒灰,多年石灰,雄黃各五錢,共研為末,以豬膽,雞蛋清及香油調藥敷貼,直至脫腸收上。 7,腸風下血。用霜後幹絲瓜燒存性,研為末,空心服二錢,酒送下。 8,血崩 。用老絲瓜燒灰,棕櫚燒灰等分,鹽酒或鹽湯送服。 9,乳汁 不通。用絲瓜連子燒存性,研為末,酒送服一,二錢,厚蓋發汗即通。 10,小 腸氣痛,繞臍沖心。用老絲瓜連蒂燒存性,研為末。每服三錢,熱酒調下。病重者服兩,三次即消。 11,卵 腫偏墜。用老絲瓜燒存性,研為末,煉蜜調成膏。每晚以好酒關服一匙。 12,腰 痛。用絲瓜子炒焦,搗爛,酒送服。以渣敷痛處。 13,喉 閉腫痛。用絲瓜研汁灌下。 14,化 痰止咳。用絲瓜燒存性,研為末,加棗內做成丸子,如彈子大。每服一丸,溫酒送下。 15,風氣了牙痛。用生絲瓜一個,擦鹽火燒存性,研為末頻頻擦牙,涎盡即愈。如肋腫,可用末調水敷貼。此方治蛀牙無效。 16,刀 瘡。用古石灰,新石灰,絲瓜根葉,韭菜根各等分,搗至極爛,作成餅,陰乾,研末塗搽。止血,定痛,生肌,有特效。 17,諸瘡久潰。用絲瓜老根熬水洗搽。 |