shu jing huo xue tang 舒經活血湯 (in Chinese and English 中英文)
Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
Name of Formula: shu jing huo xue tang (Source: Wan Bing Hui Chun)
Uses: for serous arthritis of the knees, lower back pain, sciatica, numbness in the lower limbs, edema of the legs.
bai shao 7.5 g , dang gui 7.5 g, sheng di huang 7.5 g , cang zhu 7.5 g , tao ren 7.5 g , niu xi niu xi 5.6 g, wei ling xian 5.6 g , chen pi 5.6 g, long dan cao 5.6 g , fu ling 7.5 g, chuan xiong 7.5 g, fang feng 5.6 g, qiang huo 5.6 g, fang ji 5.6 g , bai zhi 3.75 g , sheng jiang 5.6 g , gan cao 3.75 g . Make into decoction and use as tea.
do not use guang fang ji which is toxic for the kidneys.
wei ling xian look very much like gui jiu. gui jiu is toxic for the kidneys in large dosage or long term usage.
方名﹕舒經活血湯 (出處﹕萬病回春)
白芍二 錢,當 歸二錢,生地黃二錢,蒼 朮, 桃仁, 牛膝錢 半,威靈仙錢半,陳 皮錢半,龍膽草錢半,茯 苓二錢,川 芎 二錢,防 己錢半, 羌活錢半 ,防 風 錢半,白 芷一錢,生 薑錢半,甘 草一錢。
不可用對腎臟有毒的廣 防己 。
威靈仙 形狀像鬼臼﹐(桃兒七)。容易 相混亂。鬼臼﹐(桃兒七) 對 腎臟有毒。多用或長期服用鬼臼可致腎臟衰竭。