Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | 1.The shells of Haliotis ovina Gmelin contian more than 90%o f calcium carbonate, some amount of Mg, Na, Si, Fe, Al, and trace amount of Ti, Mn, Ba, Cu, Cr, P, V, Zn, etc. After hydrolizing 17 kinds of amino acid were obtained, among them:aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, etc. Also contain conchiolin. 2.The shells of Haliotis diversicolor Reeve mainly contain calcium carbonate and some also conhiolin, and inorganic elements of Na, Ca, trace amount of Ti, Mn, Fe, P, Cr, Mg, Zn, Cu etc. The interior of the shells contain the shiny substance like pearl is conchiolin, which after hydrolisis with hydrochloric acid, produces 16 amino acid: glycine, aspartic acid, alanine, serine, glutamic acid etc. The insoluble ashes is about 0.46%。 3. The shell of Haliotis discus hannai Ino (H. gigantea discus Reeve)contain more than 90% calcium carbonate and organic substance of about 3.67%. The inorganic elements are: Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Fe, P, Ti, Mn, Cu, Ni, Sr, Zn, Cl, S, I and among them the ions of phosphates, silcates, sulfates exit. It also contain choline and conchiolin. 4. The shells of Haliotis asinina calcium carbonate, conchiolin and choline, and other trace minerals. 1.圓鮑 Haliotis ovina Gmelin貝殼含碳酸鈣 90%以上,含少量的鎂,鈉 ,鍶,鐵,硅 (矽), 鋁,微量的鈦,錳 ,鋇,銅,鉻,磷,釩,鋅等18種元素。水解液含17種氨基酸,有天冬氨酸(aspartic acid),蘇氨酸(threonine) ,絲氨酸(serine),谷氨酸(glutamic acid)等。另含殼角質(conchiolin)。 2.雜色鮑Haliotis diversicolor Reeve貝殼主含碳酸鈣,並含殼角質及無機元素鈉,鈣 ,鈦,錳,鐵,磷,鉻,鎂,鋅,銅等。貝殼的內層具珍珠樣光 澤的殼角質,經鹽酸水解得16種氨基酸,有甘氨酸(glycine) ,天冬氨酸(aspartic acid),丙氨酸(alanine),絲 氨酸 (serine),谷氨酸 (glutamic acid)等。不溶性灰分為 0.46%。 3.皺紋盤鮑 Haliotis discus hannai Ino (H. gigantea discus Reeve)貝殼含碳酸鈣90%以上,有機質 約3.67%。無機元素有鈉,鎂 ,鋁,硅 (矽) ,鉀,鐵,磷,鈦,錳,銅,鎳 ,鍶 ,鋅,氯,硫和碘,其中有磷酸根,硅酸根,硫酸根離子存在。並含膽素,殼角質(conchiolin)。 4.耳鮑 Haliotis asinina 貝殼含碳酸鈣,殼角質(conchiolin)及膽素( choline)