Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Herba Achilleae alpinae |
Biological name: 拉丁名: | Achillea alpina Linn. Achillea sibirica Ledeb. Achillea millefolium Linn. |
Common Names: 英文名: | yarrow, milfoil, thousand weed, nose bleed, carpenter's weed, bloodwort, devil's nettle, yarroway, soldier's wound wort and knight's milfoil. |
Distribution: 分佈: | Europe, America and most part of Asia 欧洲,美洲,大部份之亞洲。 |
Properties (characteristics): 性味: | bitter, astringent, pungent and mildly toxic 苦,澀,刺激性,有小毒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經: | lung, kidney. 肺,腎。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治: | Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, and stimulant. Used in consumption and high blood pressure as a vaso-dilator. In the West it has been used in: colic, common cold, sore throat from cold, Crohn's disease, indigestion and heartburn, painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and overactive thyroid, tooth ache, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids. 作為發汗剤,收澀剤,補剤,刺激剤用。用於肺病,高血壓 (血管擴張剤)。在西方,用於治疝气,傷風,喉嚨痛,發炎性腸道疾病,消化不良,胸口爍痛,經痛,經前期綜合徵,潰瘍性結腸炎,甲狀腺機能亢進,牙痛,風濕,痔瘡。 |
Other interesting uses: 其他: | It is an effective mosquito repellant. In ancient China it was used as tools for performing forecastings in using Yi Jing (I Ching). 作驅蚊剤很有效。在中國古時作占卜用。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | (+)-camphor, chamazulene, cineole, achillein, achilleic acid, aconitic acid, inulin, resin, tannin, ash of nitrates, phosphates, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride, antibiotic and anti inflammatory ingredients: α-furoic acid, succinic acid, and fumarc acid. alkaloids, flavonoids, sterol etc.
油中含d-樟脑((+)-Camphor)﹐兰香油薁(Chamazulene)﹐桉油 素(Cineole)。 蓍草苦素(Achillin),乌头酸(Aconitic acid),菊糖(Inulin), 樹脂﹐鞣酸。 硝酸鹽﹐氯化鉀﹐氯化鈣﹐磷等。 三種抗菌消炎的有效成分﹕α-呋喃酸(α-Furoic acid)﹐ 丁二酸(Succinic acid)﹐反丁烯二酸(Fumarc acid)。 生物碱 (alkaloids)﹐内酯香豆精﹐黄酮 (flavonoids) ﹐酚性物﹐甾醇 (sterol) 等。
Caution: 禁忌: | there are reports of allergic reactions. 有過敏報告。 |