Seizures (in English and Chinese 中英文)
By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文
Qigong Therapy
Chinese Herb Therapy
Drug Therapy
sodium phenytoin (Dilantin, Dephenylhydantoin)
Extreme care should be used when using steroids.
Steroids might contribute to the incidence of seizures. Clinically applied glucocorticoid type of drugs include: cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone, betamethasone (Celestone), clobetasol propionate, dexamethasone, fludrocortisone (Florinef), etc.
Effects of glucocorticoid on central nervous system: glucocorticoid can lower the concentration of gama aminobutyric acid (gaba), enhance the excitement of the CNS and cause amnesia, blissfulness, hallucination, and even psychic derangement. It can lower the threshold of the excitement of the brain and promote seizures.
Chinese Herb Therapy
Translated and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
Name of Formula: chai hu gui zhi tang (Shang Han Lun)
chai hu 5 g, ban xia 4 g, gui zhi 2.5 g, huang gin 2 g, ren shen 2 g, shao yao 2 g, sheng jiang 2 g, da zao 2 g, gan cao 1.5 g . Boil with water and use as tea. One prescription per day. Ten prescriptions is one therapy period.
Result: 84 patients. Healed: 25 patients. Obviously effective: 41 patients. Better: 13 patients. Ineffective: 5 patients. Total effectiveness: 94.05%.
Alcohol related seizure: treatment with intravenous Lorazepam treatment lowered the recurrent of alcohol related seizures.
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處方名﹕柴胡桂枝湯 (傷寒論)
柴胡 5 g ,半 夏 4 g ,桂枝 2.5g ,黃苓 2 g,人 參 2 g ,芍藥 2 g ,生 薑 2 g ,大 棗 2 g ,甘草1.5g
癲癇研究認為癲癇放電現象是細胞內貯存的鈣在釋放過程中,鈣結合狀態的改變使與鈣相關的細胞內 蛋白質﹐細胞膜離子通道也發生變化,出現了神經元突發型病 理放電。柴胡桂枝湯可使一些相關性改變的每個步驟都受到抑制,從而達到抗癲癇作用。有人用本方治 療84例癲癇病人,每日1劑,10劑為1療程,結果治愈25 例,顯效41例,好轉13例,無效5例,總 有效率高達94.05%.
牛忻群 牛國考 中國中醫藥報