| xue lian雪蓮 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: | Flos Saussureae tridactylae Flos Saussureae laniceps Flos Saussureae medusae Flos Saussureae involucratae | Biological name: 學名 | Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) Sch. Bip.(喜馬拉雅雪蓮,大苞雪蓮) Saussurea tridactyla (三指雪蓮) Saussurea laniceps (綿頭雪蓮) Saussurea medusa (水母雪蓮) | Japanese Pron: 日語發音: | setsu renge | Korean Pron: 韓語發音: | | Cantonese pron: 粤語發音: | syut3 lin4 | Distribution: 產地﹕ | Snowy mountain area of gansu, qinghai, xizang, xin jiang provinces of China﹐at altitude of 4000 to 5000 meters。 新疆,甘肅,青海,西藏等海拔為4000╴5000米的地帶 | Properties﹕ 性質﹕ | warm, mildly bitter , 性溫,微苦 | Channels entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, kidney and spleen channels 肝,腎,脾經 | Actions & Indications: 應用﹕ | For hardening of blood vessels of the brain, tumor. Folk applications include rheumatoid arthritis, impotence, irregular menses, placenta not being expelled after birth. 腦動脈硬化,癌症。民間雪蓮用于治療風濕性關節炎,陽痿,婦女月經不調,胎衣不下。 | Medical Function: 藥理﹕ | Ridding of coldness and dampness, tonifying blood, improving yang, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, arresting asthma, anti lack of oxygen, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, analgesic, termination of pregnancy, scavenging free radicals, lowering blood pressure 散寒除濕壯陽補血,強心,延緩衰老,抗疲勞,平喘,抗缺氧,抗風濕,抗炎, 抗癌,鎮痛,終止妊娠,清除自由基,降血壓等作用。 | Chemical ingredients: | The whole plant contains alkaloid, flavanone, sterol, volatile oil, reducing sugar, 16 kinds of amino acids, syringin, Saussurea involucrata lactone [1] 全草含生物鹼,黃酮,甾醇,揮發油,還原糖,16種氨基酸,丁香d甙,雪蓮內醋等。[1] | Dosage: | 9 ~ 15 g in concoction. The variety da bao xue lian is toxic. Use only 0.75 g to 1.9 g in decoction. 雪蓮種類之中大苞雪蓮花有毒﹐每次只可二至五分煎服。 | Samples of formulae: | 1. Arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of shoulders, sciatica of old people: Prescription: xue lian 20 g, qi zi 10 g, hong hua 10 g, rice wine 2500 cc. Seal and soak for 15 days. Drink twice a day, 10 to 20 cc per serving. 2. Irregular menses, pain of lower back and leg during and before period, cold and pain of lower abdomen: Prescription: xue lian 5 g, qi zi 2 g, hong hua 2 g. Boil with water. Drink twice a day as tea . l,風濕及類風濕性關節炎,肩周炎及老年性腰腿痛: 雪蓮20克,枸杞,𦞴花各10克,白酒2500毫升,密封浸泡15日。日服二次 ,每次10-20毫升。 2,婦人月經不茽,月經痛及月經痛引起的腰背痛 ,小腹冷痛: 雪蓮5克,枸杞,紅花各2克,水煎服.日服二次。 3,因寒濕引起的胃寒,胃痛等症: 雪蓮5克,紅棗 30克,枸杞10克,洗凈燉雞肉食用。 4,男子陽萎 ,不育症: 雪蓮6克,當歸3克,枸杞10克,水煎服,日服一次。 5,茽經補血,滋陰補腎: 雪蓮 ,枸杞各5克,紅花2克,洗凈沙布袋包扎,燉雞肉食用。 也可泡酒,使用方法同 1。 6,補腎壯陽,補中益氣: 雪蓮,枸杞各5克, 紅花3克,洗凈沙布袋包扎,燉雞肉食用。 文火2-3小時後食用。 也可泡酒,使用方法同 1。 (more to be loaded) | Warning﹕ | Although this herb is being mentioned in classical herb dictionary but it is rarely prescribed. | Toxicity﹕ | Avoid using xue lian when: during pregnance, yinxu (yin deficient) and having high heat. Over dosage can cause heavy sweating. The variety da bao xue lian is toxic. Use only 0.75 g to 1.9 g in concoction. 陰虛火旺者忌服,孕婦忌服,過量可致大汗淋離。 雪蓮中大苞雪蓮花有毒,煎服二至五分。 |
Note: the xue lian roots sold in the markets of Taiwan are not Tian Shan xue lian (Saussurea involucrate) but the roots of Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson var. Polymnia sonchifolia Poepp. & Endl., which are called yacon in South America. 註﹕在台灣 市場上可買到的,以塊根作為食用的所謂雪蓮 是農民從國外引進的,原產南美洲安地斯山脈的植物, 當地人稱之為Yacon,並非中國新疆天山與崑崙山所產的雪蓮花。 根據台中科學博物館嚴新富博士的說法,最好稱作"菊薯"或"雪蓮薯"。 菊薯的學名是Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson 異學名是Polymnia sonchifolia Poepp. & Endl. The following to be translated: 清代趙學敏所著《本草綱目拾遺》記載“雪蓮花產伊犁西北......大寒之地積雪,春夏不散,雪中有草,類荷花,獨莖,亭亭雪間可愛,性熱能補陰益陽,治一切寒癥”。 《新疆中草藥》稱:雪蓮性溫,微苦,功能祛風勝濕,對醫治風濕性疾病具有特殊效果。經臨床藥學研究實踐證明,雪蓮全草入藥,具有通經活血,暖宮散淤,散寒除濕,強筋助陽,止血,消腫之功能。臨床主要用於治療急慢性風濕性關節炎引起的疼痛,肺寒咳嗽,宮寒腹痛,閉經,胎衣不下,陽痿和麻疹不透等癥,使用安全,無毒副作用。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以 下為谷歌所提供之廣告 Last update: May 14, 2011; 10:16 p.m. LAH |