san huang xie xin tang 三黄瀉心湯
Name of Formula: san huang xie xin tang (source: Jin Gui Yao Lue)
Application: acute meningitis, dysentery, pneumonia, acute tonsillitis, epidemic encephalitis, pleuritis, cystitis, urethritis, pelvic inflammation, canker sores, hypertension, bleeding type of diseases, neurasthenia, platelet coagulation [1], and epilepsy. Syndromes: bleeding, red hot flashes on face, constipation, irritable, high blood pressure.
Composition: da huang, huang lian, huang qin Adjustment to the formula: 1.various types of bleeding disorder: add dang gui, sheng di huang
藥方名:三黃瀉心湯 《方源:金櫃要略 》 (通稱為瀉心湯或三黃散) 功能 瀉火解毒,燥濕瀉熱。 主治 辨證:諸出血,顏面潮紅,便秘,煩躁,高血壓。 加減 1.各種出血症:加 當 歸,生地黃。
方解 方中黃連瀉心清胃,燥濕解毒,輔以黃芩瀉肺,燥濕解毒;大黃瀉火通腑解毒,引火下行,諸藥合用,共奏清熱解毒 ,燥濕泄熱之功效。 附註: 虛人無熱者忌用 [1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8580692 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告
Last update: Feb 8, 2011; ; 7:37 p.m. LAH