Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | pain in the liver area due to chronic hepatitis, flatulence, weak digestion, pain in solar plexus, breast cancer, tuberculosis in breasts. 胸脅痛脹,慢性肝炎之肝區痛。氣鬱脹痛, 消化不良,胃脘痞痛,乳癰,乳房結核。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Sequela of stroke, qi stagnation in meridian type Syndrome: paralysis of limbs or face, fullness in chest and rib area, frequent sighing, fullness in abdomen area, pink tongue with thin white fur, stringy pulse. Prescription: ba wei shun qi wan ren shen, bai zhu, bai zhi, wu yao, qing pi 10 g each, fu ling, chen pi 15 g each, gan cao 8 g. Make into decoction and use as tea. 中風後遺症 ﹐氣滯經絡型 症狀:肢體 癱瘓或口眼彎斜,胸脅脹滿,嘆息為快,脘腹滿悶,舌質淡紅,舌苔薄白,脈弦。 處方:八 味順氣 丸(世醫得效方) 人參、白朮 、白芷、烏藥、青皮各10 g,茯苓、陳皮各15 g,甘草8 g。 |