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qi fu yin 七福飲
Name of formula: qi fu yin (source: Jin Yue Quan Shu) Application: vascular dementia Composition: ren shen 6 g, shu di huang 9 g, dang gui 9 g, bai zhu 6 g, zhi gan cao 3 g, suan zao ren 6 g, yuan zhi 1 g If there is impotence (male), add: tu si zi 12 g, bu gu zhi 12 g, sheng jiang 3 to 5 slices. Boil with 400 c.c. of water. and simmer till 280 c.c. is left. One prescription a day, make into 2 servings. Drink it while warm during empty stomach. To be taken with before meals. Note: vascular dementia can be classified into:
Vascular dementia is sometimes further classified as cortical or subcortical dementia. If it is mixed dementia of combination of AD and vascular dementia, the Alzheimer's disease has to be addressed also. 藥方名:七福飲 (方 源:金岳全書)
组成: 人参 6 g, 熟地黄 9 g, 當歸 9 g, 白 朮 g, 炙 甘草 3 g, 酸棗仁 6 g, 遠志 1 g
如有陽痿: 加 菟丝子 12 g, 補骨 脂 12 g, 生姜 3 片。
註: 血管性痴呆屬中醫"中風痴呆病"范疇。 血管性痴呆大致可分為一下臨床類型:
有時血管性痴呆症也分為腦皮質或皮質下痴呆症。 如果是混 合型痴呆症 ,即阿滋海默症與血管性痴呆症, 阿滋海默症也必须處里。
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Last update: Oct 2, 2013; 11:33 a.m. LAH