pǔ duō 浦多 (jiǎn huā 鹼花 ) (in English and Chinese 中英文)
by: Joe Hing kwok Chu
Pu duo is crystallized salt that looks like branches. It is found on the shores of salt lakes. Its main ingredients is sodium carbonate(NaCO3). It is used in Mongolian ethnic medicine.
Characteristics: salty, sweet, warm.
Application: getting rid of ba da gan condition, helping digestion, getting rid of worm parasite, stopping diarrhea, neutralizing stomach acid, for dry stool, placenta not coming out, amenorrhea.
Dosage 0.6 ~ 1.8 g
Note: ba da gan is a traditional Mongolian medicine term. The syndrome includes abundance of phlegm, nausea, vomiting, bad digestion, lack of appetite, achy and fullness of the stomach, achy loin and legs, sleepiness, leucorrhea, obesity etc.
pǔ duō 浦多 (jiǎn huā 鹼花 )
[性味]: 鹹,甘,溫。
[功能與主治]: 祛巴達干,消食,破痞,驅虫,止腐,通便潤腸,解毒。用於不消化病,胃酸過多,嘔吐酸水,大便干燥,胎盤滯留,經閉等症。
用量: 0.6 ~ 1.8 克
“巴達干” 是蒙醫之名詞。症狀表現為痰多,惡心,嘔吐,消化不良,食欲不振,胃脹胃痛,腰腿酸痛,嗜睡,白帶多,肥胖等症。