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Pregnancy Nausea 懷孕作嘔 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Click here for mobile users.
Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文
Nausea is common during early stages of pregnancy. It usually lasts for about three months but some women may still have them into fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
Pregnant women without morning sickness have more than double the incidences of miscarriage than those with morning sickness. Some studies show that 10% of those without morning sickness had miscarriage while those with morning sickness had 4% of miscarriage.
One of the formulae can be used:
Formula 1:
Taking 1 to 2 grams of pickled ginger (ginger soaked in vinegar), 3 times per day may help relieve nausea. Pickled ginger is available in Chinese or Japanese grocery stores or make it yourself at home.
Formula 2: dang shen 9 g, dang gui 9 g, bai zhu 9 g, bai shao 12 g, fu ling 12 g, chen pi 6 g, liu shen qu 12 g, sha ren 3 g (to be added to the pot during last 5 minutes of cooking), jiang ban xia 9 g.
Adjustment of formula﹕
Add 1,200 cc of water. Simmer down to 400 cc and drink while warm
Note: fu long gan is the dry clay under the old fashion straw burning stove.
Effectiveness: 55 patients, all healed in 13 days. Among them 4.5% healed in 6 days. Source of formula: Li Shao-hua of Long Hua Hospital of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medical School.
可以用酸薑減低作嘔情形。用法﹕每次吃1~ 2 克﹐每天三次。
黨 參 9克,當歸身 9克, 白 朮 9克, 白芍12克, 茯苓12克, 陳皮6克, 六神麴12克, 砂仁3克 (最後五分鐘下),薑半 夏9克.
加減﹕ 臨床療效﹕55 例患者﹐ 經過治療﹐13 天內全部治癒。其中6天內治癒者﹐佔 4. 5%。 處 方來源﹕ 上海中醫學院﹐附屬龍華醫院﹐李少華 。 註﹕ 伏龍肝別名 ﹕灶心土 ,是指灶裏正對鍋底的黃土。
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