Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Calyx Diospyros Kaki (stem of fruit) Fructus Diospyros Kaki (fruit) Calyx Diospyros chinensis (stem of fruit) Fructus Diospyros chinensis (fruit) |
Botanical name: 學名﹕ | Diospyros kaki Thunb Diospyros chinensis, Bl. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | shitei (persimmon stem) |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | sije (persimmon stem) |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ | ci2 dai3 (persimmon stem) |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | other names of persimmon fruit 柿子別名: hong shi 紅柿﹐shi zi 柿仔﹐zhu guo 朱果﹐xiaong shi 香柿﹐niu xin li 牛心梨﹐shui shi 水柿﹐cui shi 脆柿﹐tian shi 甜柿﹐mao shi 毛柿. tai wan hei tan 台灣黑檀. |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ | persimmon calyx, persimmon fruit. |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Original place of distribution: along the Yangtze River of China. 原產地: 中國大陸長江流域一帶 |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | shi di (calyx and stem of fruit):bitter and acrid. Fruit are sweat, acrid and cold。 柿蒂: 味苦澀, 性平。 柿子甘,澀,寒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | lung, stomach. 肺﹐胃。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | shi di (calyx) hiccups, whooping cough, urine with blood, influenza with vomiting. 柿蒂 用於:呃逆、百日咳、血淋、傷寒嘔噦. |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | persimmon fruit per 100 g: | 每100 克 柿子含 : | water 82.4 g | 水分82.4克 | protein 0.7 g | 蛋白質0.7克 | fat 0.1 g | 脂肪 0.1克 | carbohydrate 10.8 g | 碳水化合物10.8克 | calories 47 | 熱量47千 卡 | coarse fibre 3.1 g | 粗纖維3.1克 | ashes 2.9 g | 灰分2.9克 | calcium 10 mg | 鈣10毫 克 | phosphorus 10 mg | 磷19毫 克 | iron 0.2 mg | 鐵 0.2毫 克 | carotene 0.15 mg | 胡蘿蔔素0.15毫 克 | vitamin B1 0.01 mg | 硫胺素0.01毫 克 | riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.02 mg | 核黃素0.02毫 克 | niacin (vitamin B3) 0.3 mg | 菸鹼酸0.3毫 克 | ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 11 mg. | 抗壞血酸11毫 克 | shi di (calyx) contains: | 柿蒂含: | ursolic acid | 熊果 酸 | 19α-hydroxy ursolic acid | 19α-羥 基熊果酸 | Oleanolic Acid | 齊墩 果酸 | stearic acid | 硬脂 酸 | palmitic acid | 棕櫚 酸 | succinic acid | 丁二 酸 | eugenic acid | 丁香 酸 | vanillic acid | 香莢 蘭酸 (想草酸) | gallic acid | 沒食 子酸 | kaempferide | 山柰 素 | quercetin | 槲皮 素 | trifolin | 三葉 豆甙 | hyuperin | 金絲 桃甙 | β-sitosterol | β-谷 甾醇甙 | friedelin | 無羈 帖 | betulinic acid | 白樺 皮脂酸 | tannin | 鞣質 |
Dosage: 用量﹕ | shi di dosage: 3 to 9 g. 柿蒂 用量﹕ 3 ~ 9 克。 |
Samples of formulae :處方舉例﹕ | For cold type of hiccups: shi di, ding xiang (clove). For hot type of hiccups: shi di, zhu ru 治寒性呃 逆配丁 香;治熱性呃逆則配竹 茹。 丁香柿蒂湯: (濟生方) 主治﹕呃逆 組成﹕丁 香2克,柿 蒂 3克,人 參 3克, 乾 薑2克。 水煎。一日分作二 回服。 |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | Persimmons contain tannin acid. If eaten with high protein food like meat or fish, the protein can be hardened and can form tannin albumate and is difficult to digest. In some people it can create constipation. Because persimmons are cold in characteristics, people with cold type of body (yang deficient) should avoid eating them. 柿子含鞣酸如與肉類一起食用,會產生一種鞣酸蛋白,使得肉類裡的蛋白質凝固而不易消化。甚至會產生便秘。柿子性寒性,體質偏寒(陽 虛)者忌吃。 |
The white powder on the surface of the dried persimmons sold are usually titanium oxide added to the the fruit during processing. This added white powder is loose and can fall off easily. The naturally occurs white powder during the drying process does not fall off easily.
柿餅的白霜是通常經過人工“打粉(加了鈦白,,主要成分是二氧化鈦)。人工“打粉的柿餅柿霜層鬆散、 容易脫落、粘手,上霜的情況很普遍,而自然出霜的柿餅的白霜則不易脫落,不同個體上霜的程度各有差別。
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