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Last update: Sept 14, 2013; 10:38 P.m. LAH


niu huang jie du pian  牛黃解毒片

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu           按 此看中文

This is an over-the-counter manufactured medication produced by over 150 herb manufacturers in China.

Characteristics: clears heat, neutralizes toxin

Uses: for getting rid of infections and inflammation. Being used in wen bing (febrile diseases), painful and swollen throat, swollen gum, ear infection, boils on in mouth or nose, red hot and painful eyes, chronic leukemia.

The standard composition:   

(See Chinese Herb Dictionary for pharmaceutical names.)

niu huang   5 portions, xiong huang 50 portions,

shi gao 200 portions, da huang 200 portions,

huang qin 150 portions, jie geng 100 portions,

bing pian 25 portions. (in some formulae, gan cao is also included)


Adult dosage:  large tablets 2 each time  or small tablets 3 each time, 2 to 3 times per day.



To avoid toxic reaction:

small tablets not to exceed 9 per day,  or big tablets: not to exceed 6 per day.

Not to use in case of pregnancy.


Toxic reactions:

  1. digestive tract: vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding

  2. allergenic reaction: rash, itchiness, redness, shock, dizziness, nausea, tightness in chest, anxiety, coma. (Using anti-histamine will solve skin and mucus allergic reactions).

  3. low platelet count: nose bleeding, gum bleeding, skin bleeding, ulcer in the mouth

  4. urinary tract: frequent urination, painful urination, blood in urine, pain in lower back,

  5. damage to liver, kidney, spleen, and heart muscles.



The ingredients of xiong huang (realgar) are As2S3 and As4S4 and a small amount of As2O3

Calcination of xiong huang can change As2S3 and As4S4 into highly toxic arsenic trioxide. (As2O3)


Editor's note:

niu huang jie du pian contains xiong huang that can be toxic when over dosed. Please check with your local regulating agency to make sure it is legal in your country.





主治:清熱解毒﹐抗菌消炎用 于咽炎﹐扁桃腺炎﹐牙齦炎﹐口舌 潰瘍 ﹐ 急性結膜炎﹐癤腫。


牛黃5份  雄黄50份  石膏200份  大 黃200份 

黄芩150份  桔梗100份  冰 片 25份 。(有些配方也包含甘草)

【用量】 口服,大片一次2片,小片一次3片,一日2~3次。

【注意】 孕婦禁用。


成人服用牛黃解毒片時,小 片每日不得超過 9片,大片不得超過 6片,

不可過量或長期服用 以免中毒。


雄黃主 要成份為 As2S  As4S4 與小部份是 As2O3。

加高熱可使 As2S3  As4S4 變成劇毒的三氧化二砷 (As2O3) 。


Some products failed Taiwan Health Department inspections.

A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading  in progress

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