Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
| niu che shen qi wan itle here 牛車腎氣丸 By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國编譯 按此看中文 Name of Formula: niu che shen qi wan (Ji Sheng Fan) Application: chronic nephritis, kidney function diminishing, kidney stones, kidney tuberculosis, edema, geriatric weakness, achy loin with edema in legs, albuminuria, arteriosclerosis, beriberi, sequela of strokes, skin diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, shenyangxu (kidney deficient) or shenyangxu with one or more of the following conditions: prostate enlargement, weakness with impotence, chronic lower back pain, diabetes with frequent drinking water due to thirst, neurasthenia, dementia, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, difficulty in urination, hypertension, or hypotension. Compositon: shu di huang 240 g, shan yao 120 g, shan zhu yu 120 g, ze xie 90 g, fu ling 90 g, dan pi 90 g, gui zhi 30 g, niu xi 30 g, che qian zi 30 g, fu zi 30 g. Grind the above herb into fine powder and mix with refined honey and make into pills. Take 9 g each time 3 times a day with light salted water. 主治:慢 性腎臟炎,腎臟機能衰退, 腎結石,腎結 核,水腫,老人虛症,腰痛腳腫,蛋白尿,動脈硬化,腳氣,腦出血後遺症,皮膚病,眼疾,耳疾。 腎陽虛或腎 陽虛而 有以下其中一项或數项病症者:前列腺肥大症, 陽萎衰弱,長期慢性腰痛,糖尿病,消渴飲水,神 經衰弱,健忘症,夢遺, 小便頻數,閉 尿,高 血壓症,低血壓症 。 熟地黃 240 克﹐山 藥 120 克﹐山 茱 萸 120 克﹐ 澤 瀉 90 克﹐ 茯 苓 90 克﹐丹 皮 90 克﹐桂 枝 30 克﹐牛 膝 30 克, 車 前 子 30 克, 附子 30 克。 共研細末。煉蜜為丸。
加减: 1. 禁忌:肝腎陰虛者忌用。肝腎陰虛的症狀:如眩暈頭脹,視物不明,耳鳴,五心煩熱,遺精,失眠.腰膝 酸痛,舌紅少津,脈弦細數或細而無力等。可見于貧血,神 經官能症,耳源性眩暈,月經不調等內傷。
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