| | man tuo luo 曼陀羅
(in English and Chinese 中英文)
Translated and edited by: Joe Hing kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ |
Flos Daturae | Biological name: 拉丁文學名﹕ | Datura stramonium L. (歐曼陀羅) Datura suaveolens, (大 花曼陀羅) Datura sanguinea Ruiz (紅花曼陀羅) Datura metel L.(白曼陀羅) Datura tatula L. (紫花曼陀羅) Datura innoxia mill (毛曼陀羅) | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ |
kalu-attana | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ |
mantara | Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ |
maan4 to4 lo4 | Other Names: 別名﹕ | nan yang jin hua 南洋金花﹐shan qie zi 山茄子﹐feng qie zi 鳳茄花﹐guangdong nao yang hua 廣東鬧洋花 (not the same as Rhododendron molle G. Don) ﹐feng qie hua 風茄花 | Common Name: 英文名﹕ |
Jimson weed, thorn apple, angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet, Jamestown weed, Downy thorn apple. | Distribution: 產地﹕ |
Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Anhui provinces of China 主產江蘇, 廣東﹐浙江﹐安徽。 | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ |
very toxic 有劇毒 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | | Medical functions: 藥理﹕ |
The active ingredient scopolamine possesses the anesthesia effect, relaxes muscles, and inhibit secretion of sweat.
東莨菪鹼有麻醉作用,可使肌肉鬆馳,抑制汗腺分泌。 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ |
The flowers are being used in anaesthesia, as sedative and for inducing sleep. The leaves are being used in rheumatoid arthritis. The seeds are being used in promoting blood circulation and in ridding of pain.
花可麻醉止痛﹐鎮靜和催眠;葉可治風濕痛;種子能行血﹐袪風等。 | Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | Principal active biochemicals are the primary tropane alkaloids: atropine, and scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine, apoatropine, daturine, tigloidine . The seeds and flowers contain the highest concentration of alkaloids but all parts of the plant are active. The total alkaloid is highest during the maturing period of the flowers and lower when the seeds are matured. The seeds also contain hemaglutinin.
其主要生物化學成份為顛茄烷生物鹼 (tropane alkaloids)。 主要含東莨菪鹼 (scopolamine﹐scopoletin),莨菪鹼 (hyoscyamine),其次有阿托品 (atropine),阿 朴阿托品(apoatropine),降 阿托品,曼陀羅素 (daturine),惕 各酰莨菪鹼(tigloidine),曼 陀蘿鹼,茵 芋鹼 (skimmianine), 2,6-二 惕莨菪鹼(2,6-dihydroxyhoscyamine),紅 古豆鹼和7-羟基-3,6-二 惕各酰氧托院。總生物鹼含量開花末期最高,到種子成熟時迅速下降。從種子 還分出血球凝集素。 | Dosage: 用量﹕ |
To take orally: 0.3~0.6g. Also being used as cigarettes for several times per day but not over 1.5 g per day.
For external application: wash with decoction using appropriate amount or make into paste and apply.
內服:0.3~0.6g;亦可作捲煙燃吸多次。但每日不超過1.5g。外用:煎水洗或研末調敷。 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | | Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | | Toxicity: 毒 素﹕ |
The whole plant is toxic, especially the seeds. Its toxicity is caused by the atropin type of akaloids.
Clinical symptoms include: dry mouth, dry tongue, difficulty in swallowing, excitement, hallucination, flushing but without sweat, dilation of pupils, vomiting, dizziness, manic and delirium. The late stage symptoms include slowing down in breathing, rising body temperature but with cold extremities, spasm, coma and even death.
Large dosages and/or long term usage can be toxic to kidneys.
The antidote to atropine is physostigmine or pilocarpine 大劑量或長期服用可能對腎臟有毒。 全株植物含根,莖,葉,花皆含有毒素,尤其 種子毒性最強。 其毒性作用主要是來自類似阿托平作用的生物 鹼。臨床症狀在初期會有口 乾舌燥, 吞嚥困難,興奮, 幻覺, 皮膚潮紅無汗, 瞳孔散大及嘔吐, 眩暈, 狂躁, 瞻妄等 症狀。晚期會有呼吸慢, 體溫升高但手腳發冷﹐ 全身抽搐,昏迷,甚至死亡發生。 大劑量或長期服用可能對腎臟有毒。 解藥可用毛果芸香碱。 | Cautions: 禁忌﹕ |
see toxicity above. 看上條﹕毒素 |
註:曼陀羅花能抑制汗腺分泌,故古人将此花所制的麻醉药稱之為“蒙汗藥”。 鬧洋花是杜鵑花科植物羊躑躅 Rhododendron molle G. Don 的花。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 |