Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | magnetitum |
Chemical name: 學名﹕ | iron oxide Fe3O4 |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | jiseki |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | chasok |
Pron. in Cantonese:: 粵音﹕ | ci4 sek6 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | xuan shi 玄石,ci jun 磁君,xi tie shi 吸鐵石,tie shi 鐵石,chu shi 處石 |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ | magnetite |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Mainly produced in Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Jiangsu provinces of China. 主產於河北,山東,遼寧,江蘇等地。 |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | salty, cold. 鹹, 寒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | heart, liver, kidney. 心,肝,腎。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | ci shi can inhibit CNS, sedate, and possesses anti-convulsion effect. The calcined ci shi when used with amobarbital sodium, can prolong laboratory mice sleeping time. It can inhibit the convulsion effect of strychnine, and obviously can prolong the incubation period of the convulsion. 磁石具有抑制中樞神經系統,鎮驚,抗驚厥作用 。炮制後的磁石與異戊巴比妥鈉 (Amobarbital Sodium) 有協同作用,能延長其對小鼠的睡眠時間,對士的寧 (strychnine)引 起的小鼠驚厥有對抗作用,使驚厥的潛伏期明顯延長。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | 1. anxiety, palpitation, insomnia, epilepsy. For epilepsy of small children: Boil ci shi with water and drink the liquid. 2. dizziness and blurry vision: use ci shi with zhen zhu, mu li type of calming lowering heat herb. If yinxu is obvious add sheng di huang, bai shao, giu jia type of lowering heat and yin tonic herb. If heat is very prominent, gou ten, ju hua, xia ku cao can be added. 3. ringing in the ear and difficult in hearing, blurry vision due to shenxu condition: ji li with shu di huang, shan zhu yu, shan yao type of kidney tonic herb. For blurry vision due to liver kidney deficiency: use ji li with gou qi zi, nu zhen zi, ju hua type of herb of liver kidney eye tonic. 4. short of breath due to shenxu, use ji li with wu wei zi, hu tao rou (walnut), ge jie. 1.心神不寧,驚悸,失眠,癲癇。治小兒驚癇,《聖濟總錄》以磁石煉水飲之。 2.頭暈目眩。常與石 決明,珍 珠,牡蠣等平肝潛陽藥同用。若陰虛甚者可配伍生地,白芍,龜甲等滋陰潛陽藥;若熱甚者又可與鉤 藤 ,菊 花,夏 枯草等清熱平肝藥同用。 3.耳鳴耳聾,視物昏花。用治腎虛耳鳴,耳聾,多配伍熟 地黃,山茱萸, 山 藥等 滋腎之品,如耳聾左慈丸(《全國中藥成藥處方集》)。用治肝腎不足,目暗不明,視物昏花者,多配伍枸 杞子,女 貞子,菊花等補肝腎 ,明目之品。近年用磁朱丸治療白內障,可使視力改善。 4.腎虛氣喘。常與五 味子,胡桃肉,蛤 蚧等同用。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | Mainly contain iron oxide. FeO 31%, Fe2O3 69%. Also contains trace amount of calcium, magnessium, potassium, sodium, chromium, manganese, cadium, copper, zinc and arsenic. 本品主要含氧化鐵。其中含氧化亞鐵(FeO) 约 31%,三氧化二鐵(Fe2O3) 约 69%。尚含鈣,鎂,鉀,鈉,鉻,錳,鎘,銅,鋅,砷等微量元素。 |
Daly Dosage: 每日用量﹕ | For taking orally decoction 15 to 30 g. Smash and boil first before adding other herbs. For pills or powder form, 1 to 3 g each time. 煎服,15~30g; 宜打碎先煎。入丸,散,每次1~3g。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Post partum urine retention: use ci shi 5 g, lu shang 5 g, xie xiang 0.1 g. Grind into powder. Apply on the navel, guan yuan point. It will take effect in a few hours. (Source: Journal of zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine 983,11:494), 用磁石5g,商陸5g,麝香0.1g,研末外敷於臍眼,關元穴上,治療產後尿瀦留,數小時內即可見 效(浙江中醫雜志,1983,11:494); |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | It is difficult to digest if swallowed. Do not take too much in powder or pill form. Use with care in case ofpixu (spleen deficient) with weak stomach. The natural ci shi contains a small amount arsenic but after processing, the amount of arsenic becomes obviously less. 因 吞服後不易消化,如入丸,散,不可多服, 脾虛胃弱者慎用。本 品含微量毒 性成分砷,但經炮制後砷的含量顯著降低。 |