| | ma ren (huo ma ren) 麻仁,火麻仁 (in English and Chinese 中英文) by: Joe Hing kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | semen cannabis sativae | Botanical name: 學名﹕ | Cannabis sativa L. | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | himanin (火麻仁) | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | hwamain | Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ | fo2 maa4 jan4  | Other Names: 別名﹕ | ma zi ren 麻子仁,da ma zi 大麻子,da ma ren 大麻仁,dong ma ren 冬麻子,huo ma ren 火麻子。 | Common Name: 外文名﹕ | ganja seed, marijuana seed, hemp seed. | Distribution: 產地﹕ | Mainly in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces of China. 主產黑龍江,遼寧,吉林,四川,甘肅,雲南,江蘇,浙江。 | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | sweet, neutral. 甘,平。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | spleen, stomach, large intestine. 脾,胃, 大腸 | Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | 1 Effect on cardiovascular system;after removing alcohol from the alcohol tincture of ma ren and applied to anesthetized cats' duodenum at 2g/kg. After half an hour the blood pressure began to drop slowly , about 2 hours or so it dropped down to half the original level. The heart rate and breathing did not show significant changes . Normal rats fed 2g and 10g/kg, the blood pressure also significantly reduced. Hypertensive patients taking ma ren for 5-6 weeks , their blood pressure also decreased,with no adverse reactions. It is the same in domestic production (of China) is the same with the Indian ma ren (hemp seed) varieties, physiological effects are also similar. 2 To induce intestinal purging: ma ren can stimulate the intestinal mucosa to increase secretion, and speeding up motility; thus reduce the function of large intestine to absorb moisture , so it has purgative effect. Intragastric administration of ma ren capsule 4,8 g / kg and ma ren 4g/kg and observed 12 hours. It showed a laxative effect in mice , the former is stronger ; ma ren capsules ( 1:1,1:0.5 ) , ma ren pill ( 1:1 ) each 0.1ml injection to toad intestinal segments. In 90 minutes of observation, it showed there was an effect of increase of the intestinal contents. 3 . Effect on serum cholesterol: in an experiment, using 20 adult rats, weighing 190-240g, male and female , each 10 , male and female, based on body weight and serum cholesterol levels were randomly divided into a control group and the experimental group. The control group were fed a high-fat diet , the experimental group were fed with feed containing 10% of dry ma ren. The results showed ma ren can significantly prevent serum cholesterol elevation. In the four weeks experimental period, the serum cholesterol level was relatively stable during the period of 4 weeks. During the 3rd and 4th week the cholesterol levels were significantly lower than the control group , 4 weeks (P <0.05) 1.對心血管系統的作用 大麻仁酊劑去酒精作成乳劑應用,麻醉貓十二指腸內給2g/kg,半小時後血壓開始緩緩下降,2小時後約降至原水平一半左右,心率及呼吸未見顯著變化。正常大鼠灌服2及10g/kg,血壓亦有顯著降低。高血壓患者服5-6周,血壓亦可降低,且無不良反應。國產火麻仁品種與印度產的相同,生理效用也相仿。 2.致瀉 火麻仁能刺激腸粘膜,使分泌增加,蠕動加快,並減少大腸吸收水分,故有瀉下作用。麻仁膠囊4、8g/kg和麻仁丸4g/kg灌胃,觀察12小時,對小鼠均有通便作用,前者作用較強;麻仁膠囊(1:1,1:0.5)、麻仁丸(1:1)各0.1ml注入蟾蜍小腸段,90分鐘的觀察,均有增加腸內容物的作用。 3.對血清膽固醇的影響 實驗取成年大白鼠20隻,體重190-240g,雌雄各半,每組10隻,雌雄各半,根據體重及血清膽固醇濃度分為隨機對照組及實驗組,對照組飼以高脂飼料,實驗組在高脂飼料中加火麻仁干樣品10%。結果表明,火麻仁有明顯阻止大鼠血清膽固醇升高的作用,在實驗期內,4星期的血清膽固醇水平比較穩定,第3、4星期顯著低於對照組(P<0.05) | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | being used in treatment of constipation, acute infection of urinary tract, rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhea, irregular menses, scabies, stroke with sweating, postpartum sweating, short and dark urine, boils of face and head of little children. 治腸燥便秘,熱淋 (急性泌尿系 感染),風濕痺痛,痢疾,月經不調,疥癬,中風汗出,產後多汗,小便短 赤 ,小兒頭面瘡等。 | Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | | Dosage: 用量﹕ | 9 to 15 g in decoction. 煎湯:9-15 克 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Name of Formula: Ma Rn Wan Application: promoting bowel movements, being used in constipation due to dryness in bowels. Composition: ma ren 200 g, ku xin ren 100 g, da huang200 g, jie shi(sitr fry)200 g, hou po(prepare with ginger)100 g, bai shao(stir fry)200 g 藥方名:麻仁丸 《中國藥典》 功能主治: 潤腸通便。用於腸燥便秘。 處方: 火麻仁 200 克, 苦杏仁100 克, 大黃200 克, 桔實(炒)200 克, 厚樸(姜制)100 克, 白芍(炒)200 克。 炮制: 上六味,除火麻仁、苦杏仁外,其餘大黃等四味粉碎成細粉,再與火麻仁、苦杏仁摻研成細粉,過篩,混勻。每100 克,粉末用煉蜜30~40 克加適量的水泛丸,乾燥,制成水蜜丸;或加煉蜜90~110 克,制成小蜜丸或大蜜丸,即得。 規格: 大蜜丸每丸重9 克。 用法用量: 口服,水蜜丸一次6 克,小蜜丸一次9 克,大蜜丸一次1丸,一日1~2次。 | Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | | Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | Over eating can damage circulation and cause impotence.[1]. Not to use in cases of loose bowels. 60 to 120 g is the toxic level. There are clinical reports that toxic reaction in overdose had caused nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness in the limbs, antsy and anxiety, confusion, wild movements, rapid heart rate, dilated pupils, stupor, and coma. Not to use with mu li, bai wei, fu ling to avoid lowering the effectiveness of ma ren. 多食損血脈,滑精氣,痿陽事。【1】 腸滑者忌服 60~120克為火麻仁的中毒劑量。臨床報道有人在服用了大量的火麻仁後中毒,表現為惡心,嘔吐,腹瀉,四肢發麻,煩燥不安,精神錯亂,手 舞足蹈,脈搏增速,瞳孔散大,昏睡,昏迷等。因此在用藥時一定要注意控制劑量。 惡茯 苓一 味,畏牡 蠣,白 薇。 【2】 |
【1】簡誤:陳士良 【2】本草蒙簽 Search this site Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) Click here for inquiry Copyright Notice 按此看關於版權問題 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告 |