Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Being used in impotence, spermatorrhea, weak and cold loin and knees, tuberculosis with emaciation, excessive bleeding not during menses, blood in stool, blood in urine, gangrene with pain. "Jilin Chinese Herb" : brain tonic, cardiac stimulant, for treatment of brain edema. 用於陽痿、滑精、腰膝酸冷、虛勞羸瘦、崩漏下血、便血、尿血、陰疽腫痛。 《吉林中草藥》:補腦,強心,治大腦水腫。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | 1. 蛋白質 Protein
2. 胺基酸類 Animo Acid:天門冬氨酸 Aspartic acid﹐蘇氨酸 Threonine﹐ 絲氨酸Serine 谷氨酸Glutamin﹐甘氨酸 Glycine﹐ 丙氨酸Alanine﹐胱氨酸 Cystine﹐纈氨酸 Valine﹐ 蛋氨酸 Methionine﹐異亮氨酸 Isoleucine ﹐亮氨酸Leucine ﹐ 酪氨酸 Tyrosine﹐苯丙氨酸 Phenylalanine﹐賴氨酸 Lysine﹐ 組氨酸Histidine﹐精氨酸Arginine﹐脯氨酸 Proline﹐色氨酸 Tryptophan
3. 無機元素 inorganic elements:銅 Copper﹐鋅 Zinc﹐鉛 Lead﹐ 鎳 Nickel﹐鈉 Sodium﹐鉀 Potassium﹐鈣 Calcium﹐鎂 Magnesium﹐ 鋁 Aluminium﹐鐵 Iron﹐錳 Manganese﹐錫 Tin ﹐鋇 Barium﹐鈦 Titanium 等 etc。 4. 有酸性多糖 Acidic Polysaccharides。 |
Toxicity & Cautions:
毒素與禁忌﹕ | Not to use in cases of bleeding with yinxu (yin deficient) and internal heat, cough, boils, malaria and diarrhea. 陰虛 陽亢及火熱內蘊之出血、咳嗽、瘡瘍、瘧痢者禁服。 |