liu jun zi tang 六君子湯 by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 按此看中文。 Name of Formula: liu jun zi tang (source yi xue zheng zhuang) Application: pixu (spleen deficient): stomach prolapse, chronic peritonitis, peptic ulcers, dyspepsia (indigestion), lack of appetite, flatulence in the afternoon or after meals, wilted complexion, loose stool, weak and atrophic muscles. Today's clinical applications include: chronic diarrhea, cough during the abating period of chronic bronchitis, vomiting during pregnancies. There are reports that it is being used on other diseases of the digestive tract, like chronic gastritis, ulcer of the duodenum, gastritis caused by steroids, asthmatic cough, emphysema, neural vomiting, anorexia nervosa, reaction of the the digestive tract after chemotherapy. The formula can help emptying of the bowel, improving the immune system. This formula also helps expel phlegm. Composition: ren shen, bai zhu, chen pi , ban xia 10 g each, zhi gan cao 5 g, fu ling 6 g. Boil with water. Make into 2 to 3 serving per day. Adjustment of formula: Lack of appetite after illness: add huang qi, huai shan. Fullness in rib cage, spasm in abdomen muscle: add chai hu, bai shao. Flatulence after meals or in the afternoon, indigestion: add hou po, sha ren. Depression: add xiang fu zi, sha ren.
Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 六君子湯 《醫學正傳》 主治: 脾虛:胃下垂,慢性腹膜炎,胃潰瘍,消化不良,食慾不振,嘔吐,惡阻,午後或飯後腹部脹滿﹐臉色枯槁﹐大便溏泄,肌肉瘦弱無力。 臨床運用:本方可用於治療慢性腹瀉,慢性支氣管炎緩解期的咳嗽,妊娠嘔吐等病症。有報道用本方治療其他各種消化系統疾病如慢性胃炎,胃十二指腸潰瘍,激素性胃炎,及治療咳喘,肺氣腫,神經性嘔吐,神經性厭食,放化療後的胃腸道反應等病症可獲良效。本方有促進胃排空,提高免疫功能的作用與有排痰作用。 人參﹐白朮﹐陳皮﹐半夏各10克﹐炙甘草 5 克﹐茯苓 6克。 水煎服。每日兩三次。 水煎。飯前或飯後溫服。 加减: 病後食慾不振: 加 黃耆,淮山。 腹筋拘攣,胸脇苦滿,腹痛: 加 柴胡,白芍。 午後或飯後腹部脹滿,消化不良: 加 厚樸,砂仁。 憂鬱 (情緒低落,無愉快感,無生活樂趣,自卑或缺乏自信,失眠,早醒): 加 香附子,砂仁。
註:六君子湯是由 四君子湯加入二陳湯 (陳皮,半夏)而成。
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