Properties characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | Fruit: sweet, sour, cold Root: bitter, tart, cold. 果 ﹕ 甘, 酸, 寒 獼 猴 桃 根 (藤 梨根) : 味苦涩 ,性寒 |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Prevents or assists in treating hypertension, high lipids, hepatitis, coronary diseases, stones in the urinary tract. Being used in heat and thirsty feeling (early stage of diabetes); j aundice and lack of appetite; stomach cancer, cancer of the mammary glands; HIV infection. The root possesses diuretic effect, pain inhibiting effect. It is being used in impact injuries, swelling, edema, acute hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, as lactagogues (promoting the flow of breast milk). Leaves: washed and with added alcohol, smashed is being used in mammary gland inflammation. 解熱止渴,通淋。對高血壓, 高血脂, 肝炎, 冠心病, 尿道結石有預防和 輔助治療作用。 用 來 治療煩熱消渴,納呆黃疸,胃癌, 乳腺癌,艾滋病毒感染。 獼猴桃根 (藤梨根) ,味苦澀,性寒,具有清熱解毒, 活血消腫, 祛風利濕的作用。 適於跌打損傷, 癤腫, 水腫, 急性肝炎, 風濕性關節炎, 肺結核, 乳汁不下等。 獼猴桃葉洗淨,加酒精, 紅糖搗爛熱外敷,可治乳腺炎。 |