Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Fructus Rosae laevigatae |
Biological name: 拉丁學名: | Rosa laevigata Michx. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音: | kinoshi ( fructus Rosae Laevigatae) |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音: | Kumaengja ( fructus Rosae Laevigatae) |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粤語發音: | gam1 ying1 zi2 |
Other Names: 別名: | long guo 籠果, ci li zi 刺梨子, jin yin rou 金樱肉, tang guan zi, 糖 罐子﹐ye shi liu, 野石榴﹐tang bo 糖缽 ci li 刺 梨。. |
Common Name: 英文名: | Cherokee Rose Fruit. |
Distribution: 分佈: | Mainly in Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei, Guizhou provinces of China. 主產於廣東﹐ 四川﹐雲南﹐湖北﹐貴州等地。 |
Properties (characteristics):性 味: | sour, sweet, astringent. 酸, 甘甜, 濇, 。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經: | spleen, lung, kidney, bladder, large intestine. 脾 ,肺,腎,膀胱,大腸。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治: | spermatorrhea, diarrhea, frequent urination, pixu (spleen deficient) with yeast infection, pixu (spleen deficient) with chronic diarrhea, lung deficient with cough and asthma, instant sweating, night sweating, heavy vagina bleeding not during menses. 治夢洩遺精,泄痢便數 ,脾 虛白带,脾虛久 瀉 不止,肺虚喘咳,自汗盗汗,崩漏等症。 。 |
Medical function: 藥理作用﹕ | Lowers the plasma cholesterol and β-lipoprotein, and lessen the degree of damage of coronary atherosclerosis of rabbits. Inhibits the contraction of smooth muscles. Stops diarrhea The alcohol extract of the root can resist oxygen deprivation.
降低家兔的血清膽固醇和β-脂蛋白,與 減 輕 冠 狀 動 脈 粥 樣 硬 化 程 度 。 抑制平滑肌收縮作用。 止瀉作用。 金樱根醇提取液有显著耐缺氧作用﹕金櫻根醇提取液明顯延長小鼠常壓缺氧,特異性心肌缺氧,腦缺血缺氧及游泳的存活時間
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例: | For spermatorrhea, urinary frequency, or vaginal discharge due toshenxu (kidney deficient) : Prescription: jin yin zi , qian shi. Make into decoction and use as tea For treatment of prolapse of rectum: j Prescription: in yin gen 30 to 60 g. Make into decoction. Make into 3 servings. Use as tea. For burns or scaldings: Prescription: jin yin gen. Scrap off the external covering. Get the under layer skin of the root. Cut into small pieces. Add some sweet rice and smash together. Add some water and cook to boiling. Strain. After cooling down, use duck feather to apply to affected area. For treatment of recuring of filariasis (disease caused by infestation of tissue with filariae), erysipelas (acute streptococcus bacterial infectionof the upper dermis and superficial lymphatics.) on the leg: Prescription: jin ying zi 90 g. Boil with water. Strain. Add 3 chicken eggs and 30 g of rock sugar. Cook till sugar is melted. Drink before meals. 治遺精﹐ 尿多﹐或白帶﹕芡 實 , 金櫻子。水煎服。 治小兒脫肛:金櫻根一至二兩。水煎,每日一劑,分三次服。(廣西《中草藥新醫療法處方集》) 治湯火傷:金櫻根洗淨,去表面粗皮,取二層皮切碎,加糯米少許,同擂爛,再加適量清水,放入鍋内煮沸,過濾 ,待冷,用鴨毛蘸藥汁搽塗患處,日二,三次。(《江西民間草藥驗方》) 治下肢流火 屢發:金櫻根三兩, 水煎,取湯煮雞蛋三個,加入冰糖一兩溶化,飯前服。(《江西民間草藥驗方》) 註: 流火是丹毒或絲蟲病 (由帶有絲虫的組織感染引起的病). 丹毒是真皮上部和表層淋巴管的急性鏈球菌細菌感染 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | citric acid, malic acid, tannin, resin, vitamin C, saponins 17 12%; rich in sugar, of which 60% reducing sugars (fructose, 33%), 1.9% sucrose and a small amount of starch. 檸檬酸,蘋果酸,鞣質,樹脂,維生素C, 含皂甙17.12%;另含豐富的糖類, 其中有還原糖60%(果糖3.3%), 蔗糖1.9%以及少量澱粉。 |
Dosage: 用量: | 5 to 10 g for decoction. 煎服5-10克。 |
Cautions: 禁忌: | do not use it just to enhance sexual appetite. 李 時 珍 ﹕ 不 可 用 之 於 增 強 性 慾 。 |