| Introduction to Tantric Buddhism By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Tantric mysticism of Tibet (Lamaism) is a branch of Buddhism which is popular in Mongolia and certain areas of China, including and not limited to, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Manchuria, and other provinces like Sichuan, Qing Hai, Yun Nan, Si Kang, Gan Su, etc.. It is said that Tibetan lamas can travel hundreds of miles in seconds, possess the magic of telepathy, and magical sexual power, and that they are formidable martial artists because of the "qi" they have developed through their mystical training. To what extent are these true? How much of it is legend? Qi is the biological signal carried by electrical energy that controls the various functions of the body. Qi training can be used for helping to heal different illnesses, including different types of cancer. Qi is being used to enhance psychic powers as in clairvoyance and psychic healings. It can also be used to improve the speed of motor nerve transmission and is a valuable tool in sports. See the Complete explanation on Tantric Buddhism Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 Last update: Aug 18, 2009; 11:38 a.m. LAH |