Incontinence (in English and Chinese 中英文) There are many causes of incontinence. The following formulae are for shenxu (kidney deficient) and pixu (spleen deficient) according to traditional Chinese diagnosis. Incontinence For shenxu (kidney deficient) and pixu (spleen deficient) Select one of the formulae.
Formula #1 Prescription: qian shi 100 g, walnut 20 g, hong zao 20 pieces. Add water and make into porridge by simmer 2 to 3 hours. Take before meals while porridge is warm. Source: China Nutrition (中國營養學)
Editor note: the original formula includes "add sugar to taste" but if the diagnosis shows that the condition is pixu (spleen deficient) with damp heat , do not use sugar or it may intensify the problems.
編者按﹕原方有 “加 糖調味” 但如有 脾虛兼有濕 熱症狀﹐不應加糖。 Formula #2 Prescription: qian shi 100 g, one set of spinal bone of goat or lamb, sheng jiang juice 50 cc. Add water and make into porridge by simmer 2 to 3 hours. Take before meals while porridge is warm. Source : Yao Zhu Zhi Bai Bing ( 药粥治百病)
遺尿﹐尿失禁 芡實羊脊粥《 药粥治百病》
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Last update: Jan 26; 2012; 10:55 a.m. LAH