huang yao zi san 黃藥子散 (in Enlgish and Chinese 中英文) By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Name of formula: huang yao zi san Application: blooding nonstop during menses, thirsty and edgy, pain in chest and abdomen, tiredness, lack of appetite. Composition: huang yao zi 30 g, dang gui 30 g, bai shao 30 g, sheng di huang 30 g, huang 30 g, ren shen 30 g, bai zhu 30 g, zhi mu 30 g, shi gao 30 g, chuan xiong 0.3 g, jie geng 0.3 g, gan cao 30 g, zi wan 0.45 g, hua hua zi 0.45 g, chai hu 0.45 g. Make the above herb into coarse powder. Mix well. Dosage: Take 3 g each time. Use one glass of water and cook to 70% of a glass. Strain. Drink one dose while warm, before meal. 藥方名:黃藥子散 《宜明論》卷十一 主治: 月事不止,煩渴悶亂,心腹急痛,肢體困倦,不美飲食。 處方: 黃藥子1兩, 當 歸1兩,白 芍 1兩,生地黃1兩,黃芩1兩,人參1兩, 白 朮1兩,知 母1兩,石膏 1兩,川 芎1分,桔梗1分,甘 草1兩,紫菀1分半,槐花子1分半,柴胡1分半。 制法: 上為粗末。 用法用量: 每服3錢,水1盞,煎至7分,濾汁溫服,食前1服。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告 Last update: Mar 3, 2013; 11 p.m. LAH |