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gui zhi tang with adjustment for treatment of RLS 桂枝湯加減治療不安腿綜合征  (in English and Chinese 中英文)


Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu


Using gui zhi tang with adjustment in treatment of restless legs syndrome in 38 cases, the effect is significant.


In Chinese medicine classics there is no mentioning of restless leg syndrome. In the classics Shang Han Lun the description of xue bi, spastic muscles, leg cramps is description closer to to RLS.


According to Traditional Chinese medical theory,:


The external causes of the syndrome  are mainly wind, cold,dampness in the channels (meridians) resulted in qixu (qi deficient)  and  xue xu (blood deficient).


Internal factors are gan xu and shenxu (kidney deficient),  xue xu (blood deficient) , muscle become mal-nourished and causes the problem.


The treatment group: 38 patients, 15 males and 23 females; below the age of 40 1 cases, 37 cases more than 40 years old; and had been having RLS for 6 months to 10 years, with an average of 65 months.


The control group: 37 patients, 14 males and 23 females; below the age of 40, 1 cases, 36 cases more than 40 years old; and had been having RLS for 6 months to 8 years, with an average of 60 months.


Statistically the general information of the two groups of patients were significant (P> 0.05), comparable.


The control group received oral treatment of modern medicine. Inositol tablets 1 g, 1 night, oral; carbamazepine tablets 0.1 g, 1 bedtime, oral; dipyridamole 25 mg three times a day. 21 days as a course of treatment.


 The treatment group were given Gui zhi tang decoction therapy, which consisted of  gui zhi 15 g,  bai shao 40 g, dan shen15 g, gan cao 9 g, sheng jiang 2 slices..


Adjustment to formula:


One dose per day. Boil herb with water. Strain, Re-boil again. Mix the two decoction. Use it  in the morning and in the evening. Take while warm.


21 days is a therapy period.

The treatment group: 38 patients. 9 cases were healed after treatment. 15 cases were obviously effective, 10 cases were effective, 4 cases were not effective. The effective rate was 89.50%.

Control group: 37 patients.   4 cases were healed. 7 cases were markedly effective in 13 cases, 13 cases ineffective. The effective rate was 64.90%.


Efficient compared the two groups, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01), indicating that the treatment group were significantly better than the control group.


Also see another formula: huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang



Carbamazepine is used alone or in combination with other medications to control certain types of seizures.


Inositol is used for diabetic nerve pain, panic disorder, high cholesterol, insomnia, cancer, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism, promoting hair growth, psoriasis, polycystic ovary syndrome, including failure to ovulate; high blood pressure; high triglycerides; and high levels of testosterone.and treating side effects of medical treatment with lithium.

Dipyridamole is used with other drugs to reduce the risk of blood clots after heart valve replacement. It works by preventing excessive blood clotting.

 李彩霞等[11]採用桂枝湯加減治療不安腿綜合征38例 ,效果顯著。中醫對不安腿綜合征雖無確切命名,但《傷 寒雜病論》中所描述的“血 痺”、“痙 病”、“腿攣急”等亦與本病的表現相似。

本病 外因主要為風、寒、濕諸邪客於經脈,致脈道不利,氣血運行不暢 ,肌肉筋脈失於濡養而發病;

內因主要為肝 虛腎 虛 氣虛血 虛, 筋肉失養而發病。

治療組38例患者中,男15例,女23例;40歲以下1例,40歲以 上37例;病程6個月~10年,平均65個月。

對照組37例患者中,男14例,女23例;40歲以下1例,40歲以 上36例;病程6個月~8年,平均60個月。兩組患 者一般資料經統計學處理,差異均無統計學意義(P>0.05),具有可比性。 

對照組採用西藥口服治療。肌醇片1 g,每晚1次,口服;卡馬西平片0.1 g,睡 前1次,口服;潘生丁25 mg,每日3次。21天為1個療程。 

治療組給予桂枝湯加減治療。藥物組成:桂 枝15 g, 白芍 40 g,丹 參15 g,甘 草 9 g,生 薑 2片。



經治療,治 療組痊愈 9例,顯效15例,有效10例,無效4例,有效率89.50%。


兩組有效率相比 較,差異有統計學意義(P<0.01),說明治療組 療效明顯優於對照組。

[1]李彩霞 ,岳会杰.桂枝汤加减治疗不安腿综合征38例. 河南中医,2007,27(12):12.

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