ge shu point BL 17 膈俞 (chk code) by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 按此看中文 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Ge shu point BL 17 is on bladder channel of foot taiyang Location: In the back, at the 7th thoracic spinous process, on both sides at 1.5 cun Application: Back pain and chill, stiff back and difficut to bend, difficult to eat, vomiting, excessive salivation, abdominal distension, acute epigastric pain, coughing and vomiting, white thin plegm, inflammation in throat, spiting out blood, nose bleeding, dizziness due to weakness, consumption, heat in blood 血熱, blood in the stool, pain all over the body, manic, chill and heat with pain in bones, lack of appetite, pharyngeal swelling, prefer to lie down and not talking, chest and rib cage pain, anemia, chronic bronchitis, hiccups, hives, rheumatoid arthritis. .膈俞穴是足太陽膀胱經之穴。 定位:在背部,當第 7胸椎棘突下,旁開1.5 寸 主治:背痛惡寒、脊強難俯仰、食不下、嘔吐多涎、腹脹、胃脘暴痛、咳而嘔逆、膈胃寒痰、喉痺、吐血、衄血不已、虛損昏暈、血熱、臟毒便血不止、虛勞、周痺身皆痛、癲狂、寒熱骨痛、胃弱食少、咽腫、嗜臥不言、胸脅疼痛、貧血、慢性氣管炎、呃逆、蕁麻疹、風濕性關節炎。 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌所提供贊助者之廣告
Last update: April 15, 2012; 12:33 p.m. LAH