Complementary and Alternative Healing University |
(in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國編譯 Name of Formula: ge hua jie cheng tang (Alcohol detox tea of kudzu flower) This formula also known as: ge hua jie jiu tang, jie cheng tang, ge hua tang, ge hua jie xing tang ( Kudzu Flower Decoction to Relieve and Awaken) Application: too much alcoholic drink, burping or spitting undigested food, anxiety, fullness in chest area, shaky limbs, lack of appetite, difficulty in urination, sores in mouth and tongue, toothache, or alcoholic habit. Composition of formula: cao dou kou
Grind all herb and make into fine powder.
Dosage: Use 10 g each time. Stir into rapid boiling water. Drink while warm to induce sweating.
方名:葛花解酲湯 《 內外傷辯惑論 》卷下 方劑別名:葛花解酒湯,解酲湯,葛花湯,葛花解醒湯。 主治:飲酒太過,嘔吐痰逆,心神煩亂,胸膈痞塞,手足戰搖,飲食減少,小便不利。或酒積,以致口舌生瘡,牙疼,泄瀉,或成飲癖。 組成: 草豆蔻仁5 錢,縮砂仁5 錢,葛花5 錢,乾姜2 錢,神麴(炒黃)2 錢,澤瀉2 錢, 用量: 每服10克,用白開水調下。但得微汗,酒病去除。 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告