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da suan, garlic 大 蒜  (in English and Chinese 中英文)

Translated and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國編譯

Pharmaceutical name﹕


Bulbus Allii

Latin botanical name﹕


allium sativum L.

Allium officinarum Hance.

Pron. in Japanese﹕



Pron. in Korean﹕韓語發音:


Pron. in Cantonese:


daai6 syun3

Common Name﹕


garlic (English).
bawang putih (Malay, Indonesia)
bawang (Tagalog, Ilokano of the Philippines);
ajos (Bisaya of Borneo);



all over the world


Properties (characteristics)


acrid, warm.


Channels (meridians) entered:


large intestine, lung, spleen, stomach.


Actions & Indications﹕


see samples of formulae


Medical Function:


Medical Function:

  1. lower blood lipids

  2. lower blood sugar

  3. effect on cardiovascular system: its sulfur containing substance and ascorbic acid can improve the activities of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOs) thus  promoting vasodilation and lowering blood pressure, improving capillary circulation, and anti arterio-sclerosis.[7]

  4. antibiotic effect

  5. anti aging effect

  6. improves immune system

  7. anti platelet coagulation[3]

  8. anti tumor: May inhibit stomach and esophagus cancer. [2]

  9. anti toxin: for treatment of lead and mercury poison.[9]

  10. anti radiation

  11. anti inflammation effect [4]

  12. inhibits building up of biofilm [5] [6]

  13. Diallyl dithiol solution of garlic can destruct hepatitis B virus surface antigen up to 43.5%. This show that allicin on hepatitis B virus surface antigen have some destruction effects

  14. inhibits Cytomegalovirus [8]

  15. administration of ethanol extract of garlic to  2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposed rats attenuates testicular and hepatic damage,[10]


  1. 降血脂作用

  2. 降血糖作用

  3. 對心血管系统的作用:大蒜所含的部份含硫物質與抗壞血酸可提高 內皮型一氧化氮合酶 (eNOS) 的活性而促進血管舒張,降低血壓,促進微循環,抗血管硬化。[7]

  4. 抗病原微生物作用

  5. 抗衰老作用

  6. 增強免疫作用

  7. 抗血小板凝聚作用

  8. 抗腫瘤作用: 有抗胃癌,食道癌之作用。[2]

  9. 解毒作用 。用于治療鉛與水銀中毒。[9]

  10. 抗辐射

  11. 抗發炎

  12. 抑制菌類生物膜的生成。[5] [6]

  13. 大蒜素的二丙烯基二硫醇溶液對乙肝病毒表面抗原的破壞率達43.5%,証明大蒜素對乙肝病毒表面抗原有一定的破壞作用

  14. 抑制巨細胞病毒[8]

  15. 用大蒜酒精提取物給用2,3,7,8-四氯二苯並 - 對 - 二噁英毒過的大鼠能減弱它對睪丸和肝臟的損害[10]


Chemical ingredients﹕[11]


1. Evaporating oil ingredients: allyl methyl sulfide, diallyl sulfide, 6-methyl-1-thio-2, 4-cyclohexadiene, dimethyl sulfide, divinyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, allyl methyl disulfide, dithiocyclopentene, 5-methyl-1, 2-dithio-3-cyclopentene, allyl propyl disulfide, 4-methyl-1, 2-dithio-3-cyclopentene, 3-vinyl-1, 2-dithio-4-cyclohexene, 3-vinyl-1, 2-dithio-5 cyclohexene, dimethyl  trisulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, 4-vinyl-1, 2, 3-trithio-5-cyclohexene,diallyl trisulfide, allyl propyl trisulfide, diallyl tetrasulfide, dipropyl disulfide, methyl propyl trisulfide, allyl methyl tetrasulfide, allyl methyl pentasulfide.

揮發油成份:甲基烯丙基硫醚,二烯丙基硫醚,6-甲基-1-硫代 - 2,4 - 環己二烯,二甲基硫醚,二乙烯基硫醚,二甲基二硫醚,甲基烯丙基二硫醚,二硫環戊烯,5-甲基-1-,2-硫代-3-環戊烯基,烯丙基丙基二硫醚,4-甲基-1,2-硫代-3-環戊烯,3-乙烯基-1,2-二硫代-4-環己烯,3-乙烯基-1,2-二硫-5環己烯,二甲基三硫醚,甲基烯丙基三硫醚,4-乙烯基-1-,2-,3- trithio-5-環己烯,二烯丙基三硫醚,烯丙基丙基三硫醚,二烯丙基四硫醚,二丙基二硫醚,甲基丙基三硫醚,烯丙基甲基四硫醚,甲基烯丙基五硫

Among the ingredients of evaporatng oil, also include: allicin , sulfur dioxide, 2-hydroxy-propylene, cymene, trans-ajoene, cis-ajoene, 2-vinyl-4-H-1, 3-dithiin,3-vinyl-4-H-1, 2-dithiin.

另外,揮發油成份中還包括:大蒜素,二氧化硫,2-羥基 - 丙基,異丙基甲苯,反式阿交烯,順 - 阿交烯,2-乙烯基 - 4-H-1,3-噻 因,3-乙烯基-4- H-1,2-二 噻

2. Carbohydrates: saccharide: containing glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, raffinose, starch, garlic dextrin, garlic sugar. Containing four kinds of polysaccharides, D- galactan, D- fructan, D- glucose, D- arabinans, D- glucan, D- arabinans. Polysaccharide isolated from five kinds, namely, GF-1, II, III, IVa, IV.

2. 醣類: 含葡萄糖,果糖,半乳糖,蔗糖,棉子糖,澱粉,大蒜糊精,大蒜糖。 含四種多聚醣,D-半乳聚醣,D-果聚醣,D-葡萄糖,D-阿聚醣。分離出五種多醣, 分別為GF-1, II, III, IVa, IV.

3.Peptides and amino acids: containing a variety of amino acids, including cysteine, histidine, and lysine content higher. Alliin has been isolated. After enzymatic hydrolysis, it produces allicin.  Also A, B, C, D, E, F six kinds of polypeptides are isolated.

3. 肽與氨基酸類: 含多種氨基酸,其中胱氨酸,組氨酸,和賴氨酸含量較高.分離出含硫氨基酸蒜氨酸.(alliin 又名蒜鹼)酶解後生成蒜辣素. 還分離出A, B, C, D, E, F六種多 肽.

4. enzymes: Garlic contains a variety of enzymes, mainly  alliinase. Under its effect, alliin can easily be converted to allicin. It also contains peroxidase, hydrolases, polyphenol oxidase, hexokinase. , polyfructose glycosides enzyme, invertase, phosphatase, pectin esterase, trypsin etc.

4. 酶類: 大蒜中含多種酶,主要有蒜酶, 在它的作用下,蒜氨酸很容易轉變為蒜辣素. 還含過氧化酶,水解酶,多元酚氧化 酶,己糖激酶, 聚果糖甙酶, 轉化酶,磷酸酯酶,果膠酯酶,胰蛋白酶等.

5. glucosinolates: a variety of glucosinolate compounds, scordinin A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 has been isolated.

5. 硫甙類: 從中分離到(葫蒜素)A2, A3, B1, B2, B3多種硫 甙化合物.

6. Steroidal glycosides: Proeruboside B was derived. Its structure is 26-O-β-glucopyranosyl-22-hydroxy-25-(R)-5 α-furostane-3β, 6β, 26-triol-3-O-β-glucopyranosyl (1-4)-β-galactopyranoside); Sativoside-R1, (25R)-26-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-22-hydroxy-5 α-furostane-3β, 26-diol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl- (1-->3)-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl- (1-->2) -O-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1-->3)] -O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->2) -O-[β-D-xylopyranosyl- (1-->3)] -O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-O-β-D-galactopyranoside);Sativoside-R2,(tigogenin) -3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl- 91--.3) - O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4) -O-β-D-galactopyranoside).


6. 體甙類: 從中得到 Proeruboside B,結構為26-O-β-D-吡 喃葡糖基-22-羥基-25-(R)  -5  α-甾烷-3β,6 β,26-三醇-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖(1->2) [β--吡喃葡萄糖基(1 - >3)] β--吡喃葡萄糖(1 - >4)β-吡喃半乳糖甙; Sativoside-R,構結為惕告吉寧3-O-β-D-吡 喃葡萄糖基-(1 - >3)]-O-β-D-吡喃葡糖基 - (1 - >2)-O--[β-D- 吡喃木糖基-(1 - >3)] O-β-D-吡 喃葡糖基 - (1 - >4)  -O-β-D-吡喃半乳糖甙(tigogenin)

7. oxalic acid  0.36 g/100g

7. 草酸 0.36 g/100g

A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading  in progress



6 to 15 g or 3 to 5 cloves in decoction.

Samples of formulae﹕


Asthma (folk formula from Jiang Su province of China)

15 pieces of single clove garlic, rock sugar 300 g

First place 5 pieces of garlic and 100 g of rock sugar in a bowl and steam them on top of rice (while cooking) for 20 minutes. Drink the juice and save the garlic. After nine days, use the cooked garlic and add 5 more pieces and 100 g of rock sugar and cook the same way. Drink the juice and save the garlic. After nine days do the same thing with the rest of the garlic and rock sugar and the cooked garlic.

This formula is good for cold syndrome type of asthma and not to be used with heat syndrome type of asthma.

Whooping Cough (folk's formula) during acute period:

Ingredients: da suan (garlic) 10 g, drinking water 50 c. c., sugar to taste.

Smash da suan (da suan) and add drinking water and sugar to taste. Take 5 to 10 g each time.

Editor opinion: this formula can be use in early stages to inhibit the bacteria (Bordetella pertussis) from forming colonies.


【原料】大蒜10克 白糖適量

【制作】將大蒜去皮搗爛,加開水50克,澄清後加白糖適量 。


【功效】抗菌消炎,驅虫健胃。適 用于百日咳 痙咳期。



Note by the editor:

Single clove garlic :

A single clove garlic looks like an onion but tastes like garlic. It is the result of planting immature garlic clove. It is also called garlic onion. If the garlic onion is planted the following fall, it will produce a normal multi-clove garlic again. There are also less than ideal conditions of planting, can also produce single clove garlic.

As of this moment, the editor called a local market in Palo Alto, California, Trader Joe's and was told they carry them.


Yunan province of China is a big producer of single clove garlic.

Modern Research﹕


On acute cerebaral infarction

effect on pulse wave velocity

Garlic Supplements Can Impede HIV Medication

Effect on E. coli [1]

On fighting chronic lung infection of cystic fibrosis patients﹕ by inhibiting Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is one of the most common causes of chronic infection in cystic fibrosis patients. Garlic has been used to to inhibit a bacterial communication system called quorum sensing . Quorum sensing enable the bacteria to form bio-films which are the tenacious colonies of bacteria in the lungs. The quorum sensing molecules also switch on bacterial weapons such as elastase, an enzyme which breaks down elastic tissue in the lung.  Thus according to the researchers lead by Alan Smyth of the School of Human Development of University of Nottingham.

大蒜可以抑制數量感應(quorum sensing)而抑制囊 肿性纤维化病患之慢性綠膿桿菌感染。細菌 數量感應之分子也可能引起細菌武器如彈性蛋白脢。彈性蛋白脢能溶解肺臟組織之彈力素使得肺容量降低。




not to use in cases of yin deficient (yinxu), shortly after child birth, measles, boils, epidemic diseases, toothache, tongue infection, during diarrhea or eye infection.

Large dosages in concentrated form in long term usage can be toxic to kidneys.

Garlic Supplements Can Impede HIV Medication

凡一切陰虛火旺之 象徵﹐以及產後 ﹐痘疹﹐時疫﹐瘡瘍﹐目疾﹐舌爛﹐泄瀉﹐牙齒疼痛 ﹐咽喉不利等癥﹐均忌食之。

長期服用大 劑量 可能對腎臟有毒

[1] doi:10.1089/fpd.2005.2.330.


[3] J Physiol. citation-publication-date 1972 March; 221(2):  ISSN  0910-5050

[4] Free Radic Biol Med. 2001 Apr 1;30(7):747-56.

[5] Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 January; 49(1): 473. doi: 10.1128/AAC.49.1.473.2005

[6] 2012 May;61(Pt 5):662-71. Epub 2012 Feb 2.

[7] Journal of Nutrition and MetabolismVolume 2011 (2011), Article ID 475216, 7 pagesdoi: 10.1155/2011/475216

[8] 2013 Mar;85(3):493-500. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23480.

[9] 《中外健康文摘》2012年第31期供稿   作者:赵兴锋 朱毅波 乔金金 李庆梅

[10] 2009 Feb;12(1):93-9. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2007.0620.

[11] Chinese Medicine, Present Day Research  and Clinical Application. Edited by Yin Jian, Guo Ligong et el, Book I, page 86~87 (in Chinese)

[11]  中藥現代研究與臨床應用, 主編: 陰健, 郭力弓, 第一冊, 86~87 頁.

[12] Folk Effective Formula (in Chinese) 民間驗方。

史上記載張騫 出使西域時將大蒜帶回中原。張 騫﹙公 元  前 1 6 4 年公 元 前 1 1 4 年 ﹚ , 漢 中 郡 成 固 (今 陝 西 城 固 縣) 人 。 漢 武 帝 建 元 二 年(公 元 前 1 3 9年) , 朝 廷 招 募 出 使 西 域 的 人 , 張 騫 以 郎 官 身 份 應 募 。



大蒜所含的部份含硫物質與抗壞血酸可提高 eNOS 的活性而促進血管舒張


1﹐降脂降糖作用:大蒜提取物可明顯降低高脂血症家兔的血脂及低密度脂蛋白,升高高密度脂蛋白,使主動脈脂質含量下降72%,粥樣硬化斑塊明顯縮小,效果優於氯貝特(Clofibrate) (又名氯貝丁酯﹐安妥明﹐冠心平。)大蒜精油可有效對抗血脂升高,使血清及肝臟的膽固醇﹐甘油三酯維持於正常水平。其機理可能與降低血清酯化膽固醇有關。大蒜還可影響肝糖原合成,增加血漿胰島素水平,對糖尿病患者呈現頗為有益的治療作用。

1, lowering lipids and lowering blood sugar effect: in hyperlipidemia rabbits, garlic extract can significantly reduce lipids and LDL, increased high-density lipoprotein, and aortic lipid content decreased 72%, significantly shrank atherosclerotic plaque, better than Clofibrate ((tradename Atromid-S). Garlic oil may be effective against elevated blood lipids and causes serum and liver cholesterol, triglycerides to remain at normal levels. The mechanism may be related to lower serum cholesterol esterification. Garlic can also affect the liver glycogen synthesis, increased plasma insulin levels. It is quite beneficial for diabetic patients



2, effect on cardiovascular system: numerous animal experiments and clinical efficacy results in recent years have consistently shown that garlic is known to possess a significant antihypertensive effect. It can improve microcirculation, increase peripheral blood flow and tissue plasminogen activator fibrinolytic activity, inhibit the activity of clotting factors, decrease plasma malondialdehyde levels and have significant anti-atherosclerotic effect. Garlic evaporating oil possesses good protection for hypercholesterolemia-induced aortic atherosclerosis.


  3.抗病原微生物作用:大蒜被稱為天然抗菌素,對化膿性鏈球菌﹐金黃色葡萄球菌 ﹐腦膜炎雙球菌﹐肺炎球菌’﹐結核杆菌﹐痢疾杆菌﹐傷寒杆菌﹐大腸杆菌﹐霍亂弧菌等均有殺滅或抑制作用,且不產生耐藥性。其有效成分中大蒜素和折光率在1.57以上的大蒜精油抗菌作用最強。大蒜提取物時常見致病性皮膚真菌有不同程度的抑制作用,有研究者認為其抗菌物質中有一個類似抗微生物性質的化合物,它是非揮發油性油狀液體。另外,本品對巨細胞病毒有較好抑制作用,其效價隨濃度的提高相應增強。

3. Antibiotic effect: Garlic is known as natural antibiotics for Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, meningococcus, pneumococcus, tuberculosis, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae etc. it can kill or inhibit without developing drug resistance. Its active ingredient allicin and its evaporating oil with refractive index of 1.57 or higher possess the strongest antibiotic effect. The garlic extract possesses different degree of fungicidal effect on common pathogenic skin fungi.. There are researchers believe that the antibiotic substance compound is similar to antimicrobial compound and it is non-volatile oil type of oily liquid. In addition, garlic possesses good inhibiting effect toward cytomegalovirus. Its inhibition property increases with increased concentration.


 4﹐抗衰老作用:有人將大蒜與人參作比較。發現蒜氨酸 (alliin) 和大蒜乙醇提取物的體外抗氧化活性優於人參,在體內大蒜對肝臟抑制超氧化物歧化酸的活性亦優於人參,在腦內活性稍遜於人參,提示大蒜對延緩衰老有一定作用。

4, anti-aging effects: There are studies that compared the medical effect of garlic and ginseng. In vitro, alliin and garlic ethanol extract  was found to be better than ginseng in anti-oxidation activity.  In vivo, the activity of of anti superoxide dismutase acid is also superior to ginseng but activity in the brain, ginseng is a little better than garlic. These suggest that garlic have a role in delaying aging.

  5﹐免疫作用:研究表明,大蒜素 (allicin)可誘導人淋巴細胞轉化,天然蒜液能增加T淋巴細胞轉化,增加巨噬細胞和淋巴細胞的功能活動,使免疫功能增強。


  7﹐抗腫瘤作用:近年國外學者發現,口服大蒜油能抑制化學性致癌物苯並芘誘發皮膚癌的過程,可能通過抑制芳基羥化酶系統的活化,在組織癌變的啟動階段就阻斷了致癌物對正常細胞產生的誘變過程。有人研究發現,本品對亞硝膠誘發肝癌前病變有明顯的干擾作用。大蒜精油能參與細胞遺傳物質DNA正常的分裂和修復過程,缺乏大蒜精油時,會使細胞DNA異常,從而為肺癌 ﹐肝癌﹐食道癌的發生創造了條件。大蒜油還有增加中性粒細胞﹐巨噬細胞數量的作用。生食大蒜能抑制胃內硝酸鹽還原菌的生長,從而使胃液中的因細菌作用而產生的亞硝酸鹽減少。大蒜中的二烯丙基硫和鈣鹽是兩種非常重要的抗癌因子,通過防止致癌物形成,干擾致癌物的活化,增強解毒性能,法除反應性代謝產物等方式,避免正常細胞向癌細胞的轉化,其所含的有效成分還可刺激免疫反應﹐阻斷過氧化物生成 ﹐抑制增生等多種方式作用於腫瘤發生的促進階段,進一步阻止腫瘤細胞的形成。


  9﹐其它:大蒜還具有抗輻射﹐保護生物膜等作用。0.5%大蒜液5分鐘後可使陰道滴虫喪失活力,本品也可用牙周病 ﹐鼻衄﹐感冒﹐慢性胃炎等疾病的預防和治療。大蒜提取物有增加伊蚊幼虫死亡率的作用,其百萬分之一的提取液對雌蚊有驅除作用。


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