Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | RadixRhodomyrtus tomentosae |
Botanical name: 拉丁生物學名﹕ | Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait. ) Hassk |
Japanese names: 日語發音﹕ | ten nin ka gon (天人花根), gin bai ka gon (銀梅花根), |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | |
Pron. in Cantonese:: 粵音﹕ | gong1 nim2 gan1 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | tao jin niang gen 桃金娘根,dang li gen 當梨根,dao lian tou 刀蓮頭,duo nian pian 多年片,duo ni gen 哆呢根,duo nian tou 多年頭,duo pi zi gen 哆啤子根,duo ai gen 哆唉頭 |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ | rose myrtle root |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Japan, Southeast Asia, Indian peninsula, Australia, Taiwan. 日本,東南亞,印度半島,澳洲,台灣。 |
Properties characteristics﹕ 性味﹕ | acrid, sweet, astringent, neutral. 味辛,甘, 澀,性平。 |
Channels meridians entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, spleen. 肝,脾。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | To promote circulation and arresting pain, rid of fungal infection of the lower tract and stop diarrhea, rid of blood stasis and arresting bleeding, correctingshenxu (kidney deficient) and xue xu (blood deficient) 理氣止痛,利濕止瀉,去 淤止血,改善腎虛血虛情形。主脘腹疼痛,消化不良,哎吐瀉痢,脅痛,癓瘕,痞塊,崩漏,勞傷出血,跌打傷痛,風濕痺痛,血虛體弱,腎虛腰痛,膝軟,尿頻,白濁,浮腫,疝氣,癰腫瘰疬,痔瘡,湯火傷 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | Root contains tannins: | 根含鞣質類成分: | castalagin | 栗木鞣花素 | Fruits contain flavonoids: | 果實主要含黃酮苷類成分 | pelargonidin-3,5-biglucoside | 花葵素-3,5-二葡萄糖苷 | cyanidin-3-galactoside | 矢車菊素-3-半乳糖苷 | delphinidin-3-galactoside)[2] | 飛燕草苷-3-半乳糖苷 | Leaves contain tannins: | 葉含鞣質類成分: | pedunculagin | 赤芍素 | castalagin)[1] | 栗木鞣花素 | casuariin | 木麻黃鞣質 | tomentosin)[1] | 山稔甲素 | Triterpenes: | 三萜類成分: | hopenediol III | 何帕烯二醇 III | oleananolides IV、V[5] | | lupeol | 羽扇豆醇 | β-amyrin | β-香樹脂素 | β-amyrenonol | β-香樹脂酮醇 | betulin | 白樺脂醇 | taraxerol)[6] | 蒲公英賽醇 | Flavonoids: | 黃酮類成分: | combretol[7] | 四角風草子素 | Flavone glycoside: | 黃酮苷類成分: | myricitrin | 楊梅苷 | isomyricitrin | 異楊梅苷 | betmidin[3] | | | 還含有 | rhodomyrtone[4] | 桃金娘內酯 | 2,3-hexahydroxydiphenyl-D-glucose)[3] | 2,3-六羥基二苯基-D-葡萄糖 |
Daly Dosage: 每日用量﹕ | Decoction for oral consumption: 15- 60 g; or boil with equal parts of water and rice wine; or stew with meat. External application: use appropriate amount; slightly burn and make into powder and apply to affected area. 內服:煎湯,15-60g,或酒水各半煎,或燉肉。外用:適量,燒存性研末讞塗。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Name of Formula: gan nian gen tang (RadixRhodomyrtus tomentosae decoction) Source of formula: TCM Dermatology Simple Edition (in Chinese) Application: itchy skin Composition: gang nian gen 31g,bi xie 31g,tu fu ling 31g,jing jie 6 g,fang feng 6 g,bai zhi 4 g,chuan xiong 6 g,dang gui12 g,sheng di huang15 g,bai xian pi 9 g. Boil with water and use as tea. 崗稔根湯《中醫皮膚病學簡編》 主治:皮膚瘙痒症。 崗稔根 31g,萆薢 31g,土伏苓 31g,荊芥 6 g,防風 6 g,白芷 4 g,川 芎 6 g,當 歸12 g,生地黃15 g,白蘚皮 9 g。 水煎服。 |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | |