Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Resina toxicodendri |
Botanical name:(source) 學名 (來源)﹕ | Toxicodendron vernicifluum(Stokes)F. A. Barkl. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | kanshitsu |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | kanch'il |
Pron. in Cantonese:: 粵音﹕ | gon1 cat1 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | qi zha | 漆渣 | hei qi | 黑漆 | xu ming tong | 續命筒 | qi di | 漆底 | qi jiao | 漆腳 |
Common Name: 外文名﹕ | dried lacquer |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Gansu, shaanxi, Shanxi, Yunnan, Henan, Shandong, Yunnan. 甘肅,陝西,山西,雲南,河南,山東,雲南等地。 |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | acrid, warm, toxic. 辛,溫,有毒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | Liver, spleen, stomach, large intestine, small intestine. 肝,脾,胃,大腸,小腸。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | 1. 解痙作用 乾漆醇提取物在離體平滑肌器官上(如大腸、小腸、支氣管、子宮)有拮抗組胺、5-羥色胺、乙酰膽鹼的作用, 與抗組胺葯、麥角酸二乙胺(抗5-羥色胺葯)及阿托品的性質相似, 但強度較弱。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | for eliminating stagnated blood, killing parasites, for amenorrhea, lumps caused by stagnated blood, abdomen pain due to parasites. 破瘀血,消積,殺蟲。用於婦女閉經,瘀血症瘕,蟲積腹痛 |
Chemical ingredients: [2] 化學成份﹕【2】 | dried lacquer is derived from the interaction of lacquer phenol with laccase and oxidizing in the air and forming the black resin. 乾漆是生漆中的漆酚在蟲漆酶的作用下在空氣中氧化生成的黑色樹脂物質。 |
Dosage:[2] 用 量﹕【2】 | Oral: mix into pills, or in powder form, 2 to 4.5 g. For taking orally, it is advisable to stir fry or burn it with fire first. External Application: burn to smoke the affected parts. 內服:入丸、散,2-4.5g。內服宜炒或煅後用。外用:燒煙熏。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉 例﹕ | For physical and mental injuries from overworking: gan qi、bai zi ren, shan zhu yu, suan zao ren of equal amount, made into powder and mix with cooked honey and make into pills, the size of soy beans (size of seeds of Chinese parosal tree) (Qian Jin Fang) [3]治五勞七傷:乾漆、柏子仁、山茱萸、酸棗仁各等分。為末蜜丸,如梧子大。服二七丸,溫酒下,日二服。《千金方》) 【3】 |
Identification:: 鑑別﹕ | 1. Take a small piece of this product, put it into a ceramic evaporating dish. Light it and combustion will happens immediately and it will produce black smoke and a strong smell of paint. [1] 2. Chemical identification: Take 1g of this product in powder form and add 10 ml of ethanol. Then, set it into a hot water bath and heat it for 5 minutes. Let cool then filter. Then add 1-2 drops of ferric chloride solution to 1 ml of the filtrate. It will show dark green color. (Checking phenols) [2] 1. 取本品一小塊,置瓷蒸發皿中,點火即燃燒,產生黑煙併發出強烈漆臭。 【1】 2. 理化鑒別 取本品粉末1g,加乙醇10ml,置熱水浴中加熱5min,放冷,濾過。取濾液1ml,加三氯化鐵試液1-2滴,顯墨 綠色。(檢查酚類) 【2】 |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | Use with care during pregnancy or those without blood stasis. (Ben Cao Jing Ji zhu) Use with ban xia. Not compatible with chicken eggs.(Rui Zhu Tang Jing Yan Fang) Do not use if you are allergic to lacquer. (Ben Cao Cong Xin) Those who are weak and usually with large boils should avoid it. (Ben Cao Qiu Yuan) Those who are weak should not use this herb. Antidode: wash with Glauber's salt water solution. It should healed in 3 days. 孕婦及體虛無瘀者均宜慎服。《本草經集注》半夏為之使。畏雞子。《瑞竹堂經驗方》:怕漆人不可服。《本草從新》:虛人及慣生大瘡者戒之。《本草求原》:胃虛人忌之。如果乾漆引起皮膚過敏,可以用芒硝 煎湯洗患處。三天可痊癒。 |