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gan mai da zao tang 甘麥大棗湯

Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱 興 國 編 譯       按 此  看 中 文 原 文 。

Name of Formula: gan mai da zao tang (jin gui yao lue )


  • condition of stress and anxiety after giving birth

  • overexcitement (hysteria)

  • babies crying at night

  • epilepsy

  • depression

  • brown spots on the skin

  • schizophrenia


zhi gan cao 5 qian, da zao 1 liang, fu xiao mai 1 liang.

Boil with water. One prescription a day, made into 3 servings.



If there is

  1. restlessness and insomnia, red tongue with lack of fur and symptoms of yinxu is obvious: add sheng di huangbai hemai dong ze xie  to correct the yinxu (yin deficient) condition;

  2. dizziness with stringy and thin pulse: add suan zao rendang gui.

Examples of adjustments to the formula:

Name of Formula: gan mai da zao tang jia wei (with added items),

Application: for yinxu (yin deficient)  condition


zhi gan cao 5 qian, da zao 1 liang, zhu ye 3 qian,

bai he 4 qian, yu jin 3 qian, bai shao 5 qian,

fu xiao mai 1 liang, zhi ke 1.5 qian, chai hu  4 qian,

shan zhi zi 3 qian.

Boil with water. One prescription a day, made into 3 servings.


Example of another adjustments to the formula:

Name of Formula: gan mai da zao tang jia wei (with added items),

zhi gan cao 5 qian, da zao 1 liang, fu xiao mai 1 liang ye jiao teng 1 liang﹐ bai zi ren 4 qian.


In these formulae,  qian = 3.75 g; liang = 37.5 g  (old traditional weight, used by most oversea Chinese and also in Hong Kong)

Lacking vitamin B12, folic acid may cause depression. Meat, eggs, and dairy produce are rich sources and dietary deficiency is unlikely except among vegans who do not use any food derived from animal product..

Folic acid is found in leafy vegetables, bean, lentils, beets, brussel sprouts, bananas, cantaloupes, tuna, asparagus, wheat germs, food yeast,  mushroom, spinach, broccoli strawberries etc.

According to a study by Taipei Medical University, gan mai da zao tang can increase the amount of serotonin and dopamine of lab mice, thus improved their depressed condition.


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方名﹕ 甘麥大棗湯  金 櫃 要 略


主婦人臟躁,男女妄悲傷哭者,癇症及狂症 。應用於病態過度興奮 ﹐ 神經衰弱﹐ 幼兒夜啼症﹐ 癲癇等症。本方能使異常興奮之神經鎮靜,能緩解各種痙攣症狀,尤其對病態過度興奮褐斑和精神分裂症等。 小兒夜啼等症更具療效。

組 成 ﹕

炙 甘 草 5 錢 , 大 棗  1 兩 , 浮 小 麥 1 兩 .


  1. 心煩不眠,舌紅 少苔,陰虚明顯者, 加生 地黃百 合 麥冬 澤 瀉 以滋養心陰;

  2. 眩暈 ,脉弦細,肝血不足者,加酸 棗 仁 當 歸 以養肝血安神。


[方解] 臟躁一病多因思慮過度,心陰受損,肝氣 失和所致。心陰 不足,心神失養 ,則精神恍惚,睡眠不安,心中 煩亂;肝氣失和,疏泄失常,則悲傷欲哭,不能自主,或言行妄為。遵《素問  ·藏 氣 法時 論》“肝苦急,急食甘以緩 之”,以及《 靈枢·五味》“心病者,宜食麥 ”之旨,方中用小麥為 君藥 ,取其甘凉之性,養 肝補心,除煩安神。

甘草甘平,補養心氣 ,和中緩急,為臣藥 。大棗甘温質潤,益氣和中,潤燥緩急,為佐藥 。三 藥 合用,甘潤 平補 ,養心 調肝,共奏養心安神,和中緩 急之功。


處 方舉 例  ﹕ 


主治﹕神 志 恍 惚 不 安 , 心 胸 煩 悶 , 多 夢 易 醒 , 悲 憂 善 哭 。 舌 尖 紅 。 苔 薄 白 , 脈 弦 細 。
功效﹕養 心 安 神

處 方 ﹕

炙 甘 草 5 錢 ,  大 棗  1 兩 ,  浮 小 麥 1 兩 ﹐  夜 交  藤 一 兩 ﹐柏 子 仁  四 錢  。


處 方舉 例 (二 ) ﹕ 

主治﹕神 志 恍 惚 不 安 , 心 胸 煩 悶 , 多 夢 易 醒 , 悲 憂 善 哭 。 舌 尖 紅 。

 苔 薄 白 , 脈 弦 細 。

炙 甘 草 5 錢 ,  大 棗  1 兩 ,  浮 小 麥 1 兩 竹 葉 3 ,

百 合  4 錢, 鬱 金  3 ,  5 ,, 枳 殼 1.5 , 柴 胡  4 ,

梔子  3 錢.


台北醫學大學曾以白鼠做實驗,發現白鼠服 用兩周的“甘麥大棗湯後,可刺激血清素,多巴胺等神經傳導物質,讓老鼠的憂鬰症狀明顯改善。



出版年: 研究生: 柯存財 研究生(英文姓名): Ko, Tsun-Tsai 論文名稱: 甘麥大棗湯對於內源性憂鬱症動物模式療效之研究
英文論文名稱: Studies on the Therapeutic Effect of Gan-Mai-Dazao-Tang in Experimental Endogenous Depression Model
指導教授: 林昭庚 ; 謝明村 ; 蕭世朗 指導教授(英文姓名): Lin Jaung-Geng ; Hsieh Ming-Tsuen ; Shiau Shyh-Lang 學位類別: 博士 校院名稱: 中國醫藥學院  系所名稱: 中國醫學研究所 學號: 8140004 學年度: 84 語文別: 中文 論文頁數: 83 關鍵詞: 內源性憂鬱症 ; 內分泌變化 ; 單胺 ; 甘麥大棗湯 英文關鍵詞: endogenous depression ; endocrine change ;
monoamines ; Gan-Mai-Dazao-Tang 被引用次數: 1 [ 摘要 ] Vogel 等在1982年提出動物憂鬱模式研究中藥甘麥大棗湯的療效,幼鼠出生第八天就給予皮下注射一種三環抗憂鬱劑 clomipramine hydrochloride連續兩週,四個月大後會產生一些類似人類內源性憂鬱症的異常行為,實驗組共40隻,隨機分為B組(甘麥大棗湯低劑量組,每天口服 1.0 g/kg 一次, 連續二週),C組(甘麥大棗湯高劑量組,每天口服 2.5g/kg 一次,連續二週),D組(西藥組 , 每天腹腔注射 amitriptylinehydrochloride 10 mg/kg 一次,連續二週),E組(實驗對照組, 每天腹腔注射 0.9% 生理食鹽水 1ml/kg 一次, 連續二週)四組。另 以10隻幼鼠給予皮下注射 0.9%生理食鹽水作為A組(正常對照組, 每天腹腔注射 1ml/kg 一次, 連續二週)。以糖耗試驗與紅外線運動量偵測儀(相當於昏暗而封閉的空間試驗)偵測喜好行為與探索能力及自發運動量,並結合血清三碘甲狀腺素(T3),甲狀腺素 (T4),甲狀腺刺激素(TSH),睪固酮(testosterone),泌乳激素(prolactin),皮質素醇(cortisol),血清促進素 (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)等精神神經內分泌變化,且同步使用高效液相層析儀分析大鼠腦內正腎上腺(norepinephrine , NE ),多巴胺(dopamine, DA ),血清促進素的含量,以測定甘麥大棗湯治療內源性憂鬱症的療效以及其機轉。
實驗結果顯示(1)E組與A組比較體重減輕,對水及糖水之飲量,總舔次數,舔效及舔速皆降低,排便次數多,不動時間延長,自發運動量減少,且血清 prolactin, cortisol濃度偏高,TSH, 5-HT以及腦內NE, DA, 5-HT濃度偏低;皆達統計上之顯著標準(p<0.05)。(2)C組與E組比較體重顯著增加,不同濃度的糖水飲量,總舔次數與舔速改變,其排便次數減少及不動時間縮短,而自發運動量增加。血清之prolactin濃度趨向正常,並能提高腦內NE, DA, 5-HT以及血清TSH, 5-HT的濃度。(3)B組除了不同濃度的飲量增加,血清之prolactin, cortisol濃度的降低,以及腦內DA, 5-HT濃度的提升方面不如C組外,其餘的統計結果皆與C組相同。(4)D組與E組比較可顯著增加體重,不同濃度的糖水飲量,總舔次數與舔速,而排便次數減少,但不動時間延長及自發運動量下降。可降低血清之cortisol濃度,並能提高腦內NE, DA以及血清TSH的濃度。
綜合以上結果(1)內源性憂鬱症動物模式顯示生理,行為以及病理的指標;而(2)甘麥大棗湯對內源性憂鬱症大鼠之體重,享樂效應,探索能力,自發運動量,血清TSH, prolactin, 5-HT以及腦內NE, DA, 5-HT濃度異常皆有改善作用;且(3)此藥方無amitriptyline抗憂鬱劑的過度鎮靜的副作用。

 [ 英文摘要 ] According to the depression animal model proposed by Vogel (1982), neonatal injection of clomipramine could induce abnormal behaviors similar to endogenous depression in human.
We used the same animal model to investigate the effects of Gan-Mai-Dazao- Tang (GMDT) on hedonic index such as sucrose consumption test (licking volume, total licking numbers, licks per ml, and licking rate), locomotor activities and exploratory behaviors measured by opto-varimex known as dark field test, concentration of serum endocrines such as T3, T4, TSH, testosterone, prolactin, cortisol, as well as 5-HT , and brain monoamines including NE, DA, and 5-HT. Clomipramine (15mg/kg, bid) was injected to Sprague-Dawley rats of 8 to 21 day-old for the experimental group, while normal control rats received normal saline (1ml/kg, bid) injection (group A, n=10). At 4-month of age, the experimental group was randomly divided into 4 subgroups receiving different treatments:

low dose of GMDT (1.0 g/kg, qd, group B, n=10),

high dose of GMDT (2.5 g/kg, qd, group C, n=10),

amitriptyline (10 mg/kg, qd, group D, n=10), and

normal saline (1ml/kg, qd, group E, n=10).

We measured the body weight, sucrose consumption behaviors (licking volume, total licking numbers, and licking rate), locomotor behaviors (stool numbers, freezing time, horizontal, vertical, and activity counts), serum endocrines ( T3, T4, TSH, testosterone, prolactin, cortisol, and 5-HT), and brain monoamines (NE, DA, and 5-HT) after the 2-week treatment course. Analysis of Variance was used to compare the mean values of parameters for five groups.
The results were as follows: Group E was significantly different from group A in body weight and all variables in sucrose consumption hehaviors, locomotor activity, serum hormones, and brain monoamines. B and C groups had significantly increased mean values of body weight than E group. For sucrose consumption behaviors, B and C groups showed significant increase of licking volume at 1% sucrose solution, but only significant increase at 5% of sucrose solution in group C was observed. The increase in total licking numbers and licking rate at water, 1% and 5% of sucrose solution in B and C groups was significantly higher than that in E group. For locomotor behaviors, B and C groups were significantly different from E group in stool numbers, freezing time, horizontal and activity acounts. For serum hormones, significantly increased level of TSH and serotonin in B and C groups compared to E group was found, Whereas decreased level of prolactin in C group compared to E group was found. For monoamines, an increased level of brain NE in B and C groups compared to E group was observed, while C group showed significantly higher level of brain DA and 5-HT than E group.
In conclusion, these data support the hypothesis that endogenous depression has abnormal sucrose consumption behaviors, locomotor activity, serum TSH, prolactin, cortisol, 5-HT and brain monoamine levels. GMDT improved the hedonic reactivity, locomotor activities and exploratory behaviors, abnormal levels of serum TSH, 5-HT, prolactin, and brain NE, DA, and 5-HT in endogenous depression rats. The therapeutic effects of D group was similar to that of C group, but it existed the over sedation effect.

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