Pharmaceutical name:
英文藥名: |
Semen Tritici Aestivi Levis |
Biological name:
生物學名: |
Triticum aestivum L. |
Pron. in Japanese:
日語發音: |
fushobaku |
Pron. in Korean:
韓語發音: |
pusomaek |
Pron. in Cantonese:
粵語發音: |
ffau4 sui2 mak6 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ |
fu shui mai, fu mai
浮水麥、浮麥。 |
Common Name:
英文名: |
light un-ripen wheat grain |
分佈: |
throughout northern part of China
中國之北部。 |
Properties (characteristics)
性味: |
sweet, salty, cool
甘,鹹,涼。 |
Channels (meridians) entered:
歸經: |
heart, spleen and kidney.
心,脾,腎。 |
Actions & Indications:
主治﹕ |
stop instant sweating due to yangxu (yang deficient) or qi deficiency, calming, for insomnia, palpitation, irritation, anxiety, emotional, bedwetting in children, and gu zheng lao re .
Note: If night sweating due to yin deficiency, it is better to use zhi bai di huang wan or dang gui liu huang tang .
用于氣虛或陽 虛自汗﹐陰虛 發熱﹐ 鎮靜﹐治失眠﹐心陣跳﹐ 煩躁﹐焦慮﹐情緒不穩﹐小兒夜尿﹐骨蒸勞熱
註﹕陰虛盜汗者用 知柏地黃丸 或用當歸六黃湯. 較為合適。
Chemical ingredients:
化學成份: |
starch, protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin E
澱粉,蛋白質,維生素B,維生素E。 |
用量﹕ |
9 to 38 g; freeze dried concentrate: 0.5 g to 2 g.
9 ~ 39 克﹔濃縮中藥:0.5~2.0克 |
Samples of formulae:
處方舉例: |
gan mai da zao tang 甘麥大棗湯,
mu li san
牡蠣散 |
注意: |
not to be used in stopping sweating caused by cold or influenza.
Do not use on those without sweating
with irritability or sweating with cardiac exhaustion.[1]
無汗而煩躁或虛脫汗出者忌用。[1] |