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 Characteristics of Food      食物之性質      

 (in English and Chinese 中英文)

Cold and hot food, food high in oxalic acid, histamine. acid and alkaline food

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu


Cold type of food examples::

Those with yangxu (yang deficient) should avoid cold type of food, example:cold refrigerated food, ice, pomelo, grapefruit, young coconut, coconut water, tangerine, persimmon, kiwi fruit, papaya, banana, kelp, red seaweed, bamboo shoot, jiāo bái (wild rice stems) (stems of Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf ), water chestnut (Eleocharitis Cormus), asparagus, water crest, clam, vegetable fern (Anisogonium esculentum (Retz.) Presl), Napa cabbage, aloe vera, mangosteen, tomato, melon, lotus root, mung bean, white radish, bitter gourd (bitter melon), cucumber, gourd, wax gourd, gourd, spinach, amaranth, bean sprouts, celery, lettuce, mustard, eggplant.


Hot, warm type of food examples:

Spicy food: chili pepper, garlic, ginger, Chinese parsley (coriander), Chinese version of Satay sauce (Chinese沙茶醬), onion, smoked food, BBQ food, deep fat fried food,  hua jia, fennel, chinese leeks, cinnamon, goat meat, lamb meat, longan fruit, lichee fruit, horse mango (Mangifera foetida Lou), cherries, durian, coffee, Indian chai (spiced tea), curry, alcohol, fu zi, gan jiang, rou gui,  dong kuai (dang gui),  astralagus root  (huang qi), ginseng (ren shen), cardomon, wu zhu yu, citrus peels (chen pi), sesame, sesame oil, tonic herbs like shi quan da bu tang, si wu tang


Food high in oxalic acid, examples:

Those with the following sickness, should avoid eating food high in oxalic acid: those with chronic high blood pressure, weak kidney function, or with diabetes.

buckwheat , star fruit (Averrhoa carambola), casava, black pepper, amaranth, celery, parsley , poppy seed, chives, rhubarb, spinach, chard, beets, Eggplant,  banana,  cocoa, chocolate, most nuts, most berries, grapes, fruit tart, beans , whole grain, tofu (bean curd), sweet potato, yuan zhi,hong zao, , herbs like : chuan lian zi, suan zao ren,  tian qi, niu bang zi,  tian nan xing, guang fang ji, ma duo ling, tian hua fen,  ba ji tian,  ban xia



Food high in histamine:

Food high in histamine can cause symptoms of itchy eyes, runny or itchy nose, hives, headaches, sinus congestion, lung spasms or wheezing, diarrhea,  stomach  and intestine cramps.

Those with the following sicknesses should avoid eating food high in histamine: asthma, cold or influenza,  cystic fibrosis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic tonsil stones, sinus allergy, chronic inflammation.

Food high in histamine include: dairy product like cow milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, shellfish,  tuna fish, kahawai, mackerel, bonito, butterfly kingfish fish,  sandwich meat, sausage, weiners  (wienerwurst), bologna, salami, pepperoni, smoked ham, bacon,. salted fish, fish sauce,  sauerkraut, alcohol,  especially wine and beer, vinegar, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, cherries, grapes, apricots, avocados, raspberries, cranberries, prunes, longans (long yan), dates, raisins, currants (fresh or dried), bananas, papayas, pineapple, strawberries, spinach, eggplants (Solanum melongena),  tomatoes, food with azo dye, food with preservatives, cooked food left in refrigerator and freezer, mango, bamboo shoot, head cheese, mushroom, shitake mushroom, goose meat, duck meat, stale seafood, . Fishes like kahawai, mackerel, bonito, butterfly kingfish can become stale easily. When they are stale, they are high in histamine.

See food acidity and alkalinity.

See herb/food that enhance androgen

See food high in potassium.



陽虛體質者須避免吃寒涼性的食物, 比如: 冰凍食物,冰,西瓜,水梨,柚子,甘蔗梢,葡萄柚,嫩椰子,椰子汁,橘子,柿 子 獼猴桃 (奇異果)番木瓜, 火龍果,香蕉,崩 大碗 昆布, 紫菜,竹筍,筊白筍,荸薺 (馬 蹄),慈菇,蘆筍,西洋菜,蛤蜊, 過貓菜 (過溝菜蕨),大 菜,,山竹,蕃茄,香瓜,蓮藕,,白蘿蔔,,黃瓜,絲瓜,冬瓜,瓠瓜,空心菜,莧菜,綠豆芽,芹菜,萵苣,芥菜,茄 子


   辛辣物:辣椒,大蒜芫荽,沙茶醬,洋蔥,燻,炸,燒烤物,fennel小 茴香韭菜,
肉 桂,羊肉,龍 眼, 荔枝,藍灰芒果 (Mangifera foetida Lou),櫻桃 ,, 咖啡,咖哩,酒,麻油, 芝麻,羊肉,藥材如:附 子乾 薑肉 桂當 歸黃 耆荳 蔻吳茱萸人 參紅 棗 十全大補湯四物湯



喬麥, 楊桃,木薯(苦木薯), 黑胡椒 ,莧 菜, 芹菜, 洋芫荽,罌粟子, 韭菜, 大黃(的葉柄),菠菜, 莙達菜, 甜菜根,qie zi, 香蕉, 可可, 巧克力,,核果類, 多數漿果, 葡萄,果蛋糕, 豆類,全穀類,豆腐,  甘薯,藥材如: 遠志紅棗川 楝 子酸 棗仁田七牛蒡子天南星廣防己馬兜鈴天 花粉巴戟 天半夏等 。




組胺高的食物可引起眼睛發痒,鼻子痒流 鼻涕,荨麻疹,頭痛,鼻竇充血,肺痙攣或哮喘,腹瀉,腸胃痙攣。凡 有以 下病症者須避免吃組胺高的食物:哮喘患者,傷風感冒者,腸易激綜合症患者,常有扁桃 腺結石者,鼻過敏者,長期有炎症者。


組胺高的食物包括:乳 製品如牛奶,奶酪 ,乾酪,酸奶,雞蛋,貝類,鮪(金槍魚,吞拿魚,亞冬魚),不新鮮的 魚 ,肉三明治,香腸,維也納香腸,博洛尼香腸, 意大利臘腸,臘腸 ,臘肉, 臘鸭,煙 熏火腿,培根(鹹豬三層肉),高溫處理的食物(煎炸,燒烤 )。鹹魚,魚露, 酸菜,酒,(葡萄酒和啤酒含組胺較高),醋 ,橙子,柚子,檸檬,酸橙,櫻桃, 葡萄,杏,鱷梨,山莓, 小紅莓,李子,桂 圓(龍眼), 紅棗,葡萄乾,葡萄乾(新鮮或乾的),香蕉,番木瓜,菠蘿,草莓,菠 菜,茄子,番 茄 (西紅柿), 含偶氮染料或防腐剤的食物,儲過在冰箱和冰櫃内過夜的 熟食品。芒 果,筍 ,豬頭肉,香菇,蘑菇,鵝肉,鴨肉,不新鮮之海產,澳鱸,鯖魚, 鰹,腹翼魚 等容易變壞 。不新鮮 時 產生多量組胺。






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