Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Leaves: for arresting bleeding, detoxication and arresting pain, Being used in various types of bleeding, gastritis, peptic ulcer, hypertension, neuralgia, amenorrhea, tumors. Flowers: for arresting pain, as tonic to treat kidney deficient, for preventing spermatorrhea. Being used in gastric pain, spermatorrhea, vaginal yeast infection, pain during menses. Seeds: being used in hypertension caused by liver yang ascending. Roots: being used in spitting blood in TB, kidney deficient with toothache, lower back pain, vaginal yeast infection, numbness and pain in rheumatoid arthritis, injuries from impacts. ,葉:收斂止血,解毒止痛。用於各種出血,胃炎,胃潰瘍,,神經痛,閉經,癌症。 花:理氣止痛,益腎固精。用於胃痛,遺精,白帶,痛經。 種子:平肝,降血壓。用於高血壓。 根:祛風活絡,補腎。用於肺結核咯血,腎虛牙痛,腰痛,白帶,風濕關節麻木疼痛,跌打損傷。 |