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| er wei xiao feng san 二味消風散 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Name of Formula: er wei xiao feng san ( jing yue quan shu) Application: for unbearable skin itchiness Composition: bo he, chan tui (remove heads and feet), equal amount of each. Make into powder. Take 6 g each time, during empty stomach, with warm wine.
Usually chan tui are from under the ground and contain dirt. It is advisable to prescribe the item in a separate package so that it can be washed before using.
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【方名】二味消風散 (景岳全書) 【主治】皮膚瘙癢,不能忍者。 【處方】蘇州薄荷葉﹐ 蟬蛻(去頭、足、土)各等分 【用法】上二味共為末。空腹時用温酒調。每服6克。 註﹕蟬 蛻 多 藏 於 泥 土 之 中 , 常 附 有 泥 土 , 所 以 在 開 方 時 蟬 蛻 最 好 分 包 , 然 後 浸 洗 乾 淨 才 加 入 。